stampede breakfast

Jul 15, 2006 20:34

Kudos to rise_upp, Megan and Yutaka for organizing the Calgarian ex-pat stampede breakfast this morning. I still claim that I planted the idea back at the Prairie New Years party, but can take no credit for actually making it happen. Shoot, I didn't even know about it until shmeen told me about it the night before.

For those of you not familiar with the tradition stampede breakfasts are free pancake breakfasts served at suburban mall parking lots by politicans, and local sports teams and other B-rate celebrities during the "greatest outdoor show on earth"

Really, if you're from Calgary you have a love / mostly hate relationship with the stampede. When you're a kid it's the coolest time of the year when you get to watch fireworks on a scotchman's hill, eat deep fried mini donuts and watch the dangerous chuckwagon races. Though you do hate being dressed up in faux cowboy outfits by your parents in order to do so.

When you're a 'youth' the stampede is as embarrassing as your parents and the rest of the city. the only thing good about it is that the C-train runs later so you can party late and not have to walk home drunk. On the other hand the city is invaded by yuppie guys being fake cowboys who yell at you for being a "faggot" and want to beat you up.

On the otherhand safely removed from such madness you can enjoy a well cooked complete breakfast in Toronto with other Calgary ex-pats / escapees and reminisce about the stampede without actually having to deal with it.

We finished off the day by going for Slurpees (calgary is #2 in slurpee consumption world wide). Very Calgarian of us.
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