(no subject)

Oct 07, 2007 00:55

1. new fucking apartment. OH MY FUCKING GOD it is SOOOOO much more awesome than i thought it'd be. it is the first place in YEARS that when i go home, i feel like i'm HOME. for some reason it feels right. it's quiet. it's clean. my neighbors fucking RULE! everything is just RIGHT. but to be honest, the shower is not perfect. but that's it. everything is good, except the shower is cramped. but i feel a small shower is a small price to pay. even our back porch already has the hooks set up for hammocks!! gahhhh!! AWESOME!!!
(jason & i are already arguing about who gets to keep the place when one of us eventually gets married someday, in the next 5 or 10 years).

2. new car. FUCKING AWESOME!!! it's so thugtastic, which is NOT my style at all. it's lowered. the windows are tinted BLACK. it's silver. it's a honda. i have riced out kids pull up next to me and rev their engines (at which point i roll up my windows to hide myself!) and shit. it's so sad cuz when they race off, i go 20 mph and turn completely stagnant.

3. ishmael beah- a long way gone. READ IT. i'm not joking. it is HEARTBREAKING. i get to meet him next week cuz i'm working for a lecture he's giving at the library. i will probably cry simply because when i shake his hand, i will be forced to think about how many people he has killed. and i don't mean that in a "poetic" kind of way, i mean that in the "holy-shit-i-am-terrified-of-you-cuz-you-have-killed-HUNDREDS-of-people-LITERALLY." how do you treat someone who has KILLED hundreds (maybe thousands?!) of people? just cuz he wrote an AMAZING autobiography, he STILL killed people. i can't even put into words how mixed my feelings are about this.

4. i turn 24 three weeks from today. i am officially terrified. OFFICIALLY.

maybe someday i'll write something exciting. maaaybe. but i still enjoy reading what everyone else has to write. so keep writing, please!
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