Oh! Netflix online streaming... is a very dangerous thing!

Oct 21, 2008 14:49

all I can say is that Weeds is not just some medicinal grass... it is more like addictive hardcore crack!
oh man!
CWitW and I have spent 4 1/2 hours over the past two nights watching season one

Weeds is such a fun show with a wonderfully wacky premise that cuts to the heart of America's preoccupation with 'keeping up with the Jones' and keeping a is such a great cutting commentary on the show's heightened reality that is the hypocrisy of suburban life

it is almost as bad as summer of 2007 when we both discovered the crack that is LOST... and had four seasons to catch up on!
(oh she almost did not graduate on time because of LOST's online streaming of past shows!)

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