Assignments Sent and Brief Stats

Jun 07, 2010 21:29

Amongst the news and squee about new Torchwood (and if you know me, you know how happy that makes me), I did just finish sending out the assignments. So, theoretically, everyone who has signed up should have an email in their inbox now. If you don't have an email, or if there are issues with the email I sent you, don't hesitate to drop me a line at

After the sign-ups, and reading through the books people offered to write for or wanted to see stories for, I had a few theories about the distribution of offers and demands, so I had to put it in a graph (mostly, sadly, to find out that my theories were wrong). So, let me share very brief stats.

We have 19 people, including myself, signed up.

All of those people are matched up with one other person, there are no double-match-ups (ie. A -> B, B -> A).

Take a look at fiction for books offered and fiction for books demanded:

and again in a table so you can see the pretty numbers. (Note: the ANY people are included in the offers, but not in the demands list, there was one person in the offers list, two in the demands list with a complete ANY)

"The House That Jack Built" is highest in demand and offer, lowest in demand and offer is "Something In The Water". I did expect the curves to gap apart more, but really, the only place the demands don't follow the general trend of the offers is with "Another Life" which was demanded once and offered ten times (I blame it on it being the first book). Generally high in demand are the Ianto-heavy books, "Twilight Streets" and "Almost Perfect" but not with the kind of majority vote I expected. Surprise-demand-and-offer comes from "Trace Memory" which I didn't have on my list as one of books people love.

The match ups were based on the offers and demands. I managed 10 three-book match-ups (the offerer offers all three books the recipient listed), 8 two-book match-ups and 1 one-book match-up (I did clear that with the author, and it's fine).

Theoretically, given the match-ups and especially thanks to the ANY people, there could be one story based on each book coming out of this fest (barely, in some cases).

So, given all that, happy writing everyone. Should there be any questions, should you need to contact me because you need to drop out or whatnot, just drop me a line. I'll put up a post that you can use to anon comment towards your recipient with squee or OMG or 'hey I have a question, do you...?' in the next day or so.

Otherwise, I'll see you folks in September with the posting of awesome tie-in novel based fiction.


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