
Aug 30, 2005 23:29

So I have a livejournal
It looks pretty sweet
Alot better than my xanga
So I sort of have no friends -- .. on LiveJournal that is.. so befriend me and make a poor nerd's day.
Perhaps I should make this short and simple and just give a simple introduction.
I'm Justin
I'm a Junior at Providence
I enjoy the feeling of wet hair
I burnt the top of my mouth with hot pizza this afternoon
I drank apple juice tonight, it made my mouth feel better
here is my schedule:
A day
Pre Cal Honors - Coffield
Spanish I - Brokaw
Networking I - Hutsell
Bio 2 AP - Wise

B day
Programming II - Kessie
U.S History Adv. - Gunn
English III Adv. - Brockington
Bio 2 AP - Wise

On with the introduction
I'm kinda fat
I'm a nerd
I'm a geek
I'm laid back, both in my personality, and my work ethic.. :O
Contradicting the whole nerd/geek thing, I am obsessed with Sports. My TV is only changed off of ESPN, for either a sporting event on another channel, or The Daily Show.. which is another point, I love The Daily Show.
My myspace is:
My last name is tart
It provides lots of nicknames like pop tart, shock tart, sweet tart, retart, apple tart, the list goes on.
Uh, I'm kinda running out of things.
Oh, I love photography, I'm not very good, ok scratch that, I suck, but I still like it.
I'm in scouts. Oh yea a man in uniform......
Uh I got 2 brothers, one has spent most of the last year living in Sweeden, but now they both are attending UNCC, one is a Senior, one is a Sophmore.
I have a really close family, like my extended family(grandparents, uncles) we do stuff together, ALOT. But I enjoy doing stuff with them so its not bad.
Today I wore a hawaiian shirt and I got alot of comments from people. Just thought I'd share. I know none of you care. Oh, the hawaiin shirt is my work shirt.. which gets me off onto another point, I work, that I do, I work at Chuck E. Cheese(insert molesting kids joke here). and, the question everyone always asks, yes, I do dress up as the mouse sometimes. I actually like working, I'm weird...
Oh, and with the sports thing, I am a RedSox/Pats/Celts/Bruins fan.
I've lived in Charlotte my whole life.

Ok. That's enough about me.
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