Mar 20, 2005 19:20
well its been a long long time since i last updated so. this spring break was alright. i got to skate, have fun with friends, and other stuff. but it was a pretty good spring break. went over to buddys friday night then came back to my house and he stayed the night over here and then went and hung out over at desirees apartment. then went back to my house and cleaned my messy room. the next day i went skatin. next day i didnt do anything. but it was ok. the next day i went to reys and stayed the night there and went to church. and i couldnt get britney to leave me the hell alone. then the next day at reys we went and skated all day. it was fun. alomst got hit by a car but it was still cool. that next day i went and skated. and the next day i skated again. then the next day i just stayed home till night and went to buddys again. it was cool. then i came home and skated again. then erik stayed the night last night. then today he left at like 2:30. then i just stayed at home with my mom and went to target and HEB. now im just home hanging out on the comp. well ill be updating more now. LATERS!