Apr 04, 2004 18:59
yea that title say it all tim is moving in 5 count them 5 days. i dont know what im feeling about it. Hes cause so much damage to me and hate that i dunno it made me so much stronger and meaner though i used to be so nice untill he showed me the world is not a nice place to live in> maybe i can get Yamil to talk to me again and we can go back to how to things used to be. im always worried about the past i dont know why i want it like that it just was a lot better. I got a new memeber ship at this gay youth like 5 minutes into it tyler ims me that his name and he was like was up adn hes so hot and cute its not even funny id bang him if i got to know him better we share alot in common at first i thought he was like some old guy but hes not and hes lives like 45 minutes away from me so we could maybe do somethign that would make me a whore wouldnt it maybe. My life is so coool i love it in 4 days i have spring break awesome collusm im gonna go on the computer all the time cause im good like that so im done talking cause im bored
peace love u melika and everyone else