Jul 02, 2002 01:51
trolldom: eat my shorts.
RetardInADress: is that a command
trolldom: probably not
trolldom: how are you doing?
RetardInADress: good right this moment
trolldom: thats good to hear
RetardInADress: are you in the air force yet
trolldom: soon enough
trolldom: 2 months left til
RetardInADress: thats sexy
trolldom: thanks?
RetardInADress: im sorry the uniform and the guns turn me on
trolldom: rad
trolldom: so whats up?
RetardInADress: i want you to teach me to fire a pistol
trolldom: uhm
trolldom: with or without clothes?
RetardInADress: i dont know yur the teacher
trolldom: heh
RetardInADress: would we be able to concentrate
trolldom: oh well
trolldom: speakkk
RetardInADress: i love playing dirty with you
trolldom: we never did
trolldom: although, i remember grabbing your boobs say damn near 4 years ago.
RetardInADress: really
RetardInADress: when
trolldom: while you were dating jared
RetardInADress: puke
trolldom: remember
trolldom: you wouldnt kiss me on mikes bed
trolldom: in his apt
trolldom: cause you were dating him
RetardInADress: i know that part
trolldom: heh
trolldom: i miss being a kid.
RetardInADress: i miss being in bed with you
trolldom: it was only once silly
trolldom: did the horny bug bite you tonight?
trolldom wants to directly connect.
trolldom is now directly connected.
RetardInADress: i dont want to say it but i wish there would be someone here to bite me
trolldom: where?
trolldom: labia maybe?
RetardInADress: is that where youd like to bite me
trolldom: not exactly
trolldom: anythings possible tho
trolldom: busy?
RetardInADress: not really
trolldom: then keep me entertained
trolldom: por favor
RetardInADress: oh frank your such a tease
trolldom: heh..
trolldom: youre such a nerd
trolldom: <3
RetardInADress: im a nerd
RetardInADress: you ought to bash me where it hurts at least
trolldom: the clit?
trolldom: but really, whats new with you
RetardInADress: i went to the 24 hr neptune fire works stand and learned about expolsives and packaging
trolldom: cool
trolldom: did you say you were a farmer?
RetardInADress: no
RetardInADress: should i have
trolldom: you have to say that to purchase fireworks
trolldom: to scare birds away
trolldom: speak speak speak
RetardInADress: im sorry i was typing to adam
trolldom: chik fil a kid?
RetardInADress: my mouse died and i was letting him know what i was going to do with the body
RetardInADress: yeah
trolldom: wow
trolldom: peoples
RetardInADress: why wow
trolldom: just nice knowing people
trolldom: since i know noone here
trolldom: heh
RetardInADress: well hes in ny
RetardInADress: i know no one here either
trolldom: are you in FL still?
RetardInADress: yesm
RetardInADress: but i might be in woodstock soon
RetardInADress: for a week or two
trolldom: wanna play pictionary?
RetardInADress: online?
RetardInADress: i especially like the nipple in that shot
trolldom: eh
trolldom: dont mind that
trolldom: look at pictures
RetardInADress: is that like peis breath
trolldom: YES!
RetardInADress: penis
trolldom: youre the first person to get it
RetardInADress: that was good
RetardInADress: well i am a genius
trolldom: yes
RetardInADress: do another
trolldom: in a bit
trolldom: heh
trolldom: hey you
RetardInADress: hey yes
trolldom: i think i dream of you awhile ago
RetardInADress: really thats sweet
RetardInADress: ive been thinking of you alot
trolldom: really?
RetardInADress: yeah
trolldom: aw
trolldom: about what?
RetardInADress: mostly that id like to be playing with you and a gun
trolldom: playing?
trolldom: please elaborate
trolldom: this better be long
RetardInADress: well first i fantasize this is probably skipped a few whatever and its purely a sexual dominance master teache sort of thing that your teaching me to fire guns and its all because i really love that we both probably love violence in a way, at least in my head we do because our first conversation together was about our own execution
trolldom: man, cant we just play with legos?
RetardInADress: actually im pretty twisted so i think i might like that too
RetardInADress: i love toys
trolldom: heh
trolldom: me too
trolldom: hm
trolldom: anything else you have to say?
RetardInADress: are you saying good nite
trolldom: nope
trolldom: cause youre gonna stay up
RetardInADress: am i
RetardInADress: im going to show a picture of you to my sister whom is bothering me
trolldom: k
RetardInADress: i have to convince her your sexy
trolldom: shes seen me before
trolldom: im not
RetardInADress: shes gone now
trolldom: i scared her away
trolldom: rad
RetardInADress: its ok she liked bon jovi
trolldom: i lik bon jovi
RetardInADress: heehe
RetardInADress: you jersey kids
trolldom: hush
RetardInADress: oh did i hit something tender
trolldom: blow me =oP
RetardInADress: you wish
trolldom: i do?
trolldom: or do you?
RetardInADress: oh that wasnt nice
trolldom: life isnt nice
trolldom: you didnt answer, so that must be a yes
RetardInADress: thank you frank for the lesson
trolldom: anytime doll
RetardInADress: why is the hed solid
RetardInADress: head
trolldom: oral pleasure?
RetardInADress: its so great how you can get into these masterminds heads
RetardInADress: sarcasm
trolldom: well
trolldom: instand fellatio
trolldom: i wish i could have some chicks head
RetardInADress: id rather have the whole body
trolldom: male or fem?
RetardInADress: female
trolldom: right on
RetardInADress: its wouldnt have a serial killer thrill if it werent female
trolldom: not exactly
trolldom: dahmer
trolldom: gacy
trolldom: all favored boys
RetardInADress: then itd just seem like the poor bastard who wanted to walk her home after head
RetardInADress: i dont dig lil boys
trolldom: im a lil boy
RetardInADress: i know and its not attractive
trolldom: tough cookies
RetardInADress: i dont know if that was all true im just bitter over your head statement
trolldom: what did i say about head/
trolldom: ?
RetardInADress: that you werent exaully pleased at the thought of me giving yuou head
trolldom: what?
RetardInADress: the i wish thing
trolldom: stacy, if you ever want to, be my guest, i'll be ecstatic
RetardInADress: margeaux is asking if i told you i want to do you
trolldom: no you didnt
trolldom: why?
RetardInADress: shes bored and wants my attention
trolldom: ohh
RetardInADress: so shes trying to embarass me
RetardInADress: metally
trolldom: i seee
RetardInADress: mentally
RetardInADress: i meant
trolldom: i wonder if she agree's with this
RetardInADress: that was funny
trolldom: #15 rocks
RetardInADress: its a bold staement but im going to refrain from commenting
trolldom: right on
trolldom: #1 also
RetardInADress: yes i do enjoy that one
RetardInADress: and two
trolldom: then #24 is better
RetardInADress: excessive
trolldom: never
RetardInADress: your cute frank
trolldom: thank ya
RetardInADress: so you never told me whats up with you
trolldom: cocks and airplanes
RetardInADress: or what your dream was about
trolldom: o
trolldom: it was incomplete
trolldom: but it was like a retake of mikes bed
RetardInADress: that scene is soo not finished
trolldom: margeaux still there?
RetardInADress: no
trolldom: she has a cool name btw
trolldom: anyhow
trolldom: was just us lying on the bed
trolldom: only i pulled out my penis out of the blue
trolldom: very anticlimatic
RetardInADress: you should work on that in your next dream
trolldom: yeah
trolldom: did i do anything like that that day?
trolldom: i cant really remember
RetardInADress: i dont really know
trolldom: i doubt it
trolldom: what would of happened if i did?
trolldom: although i wouldnt have
RetardInADress: would you now
trolldom: would i what?
RetardInADress: i mean i have seen you sort of since then
RetardInADress: whip out your penis
trolldom: if you wanted me to
RetardInADress: silly
trolldom: i dont see why not
RetardInADress: i enjoy your confidence
trolldom: i'd enjoy your mouth?
RetardInADress: thank you frank
trolldom: anytime
trolldom: i cant really see this taking place
trolldom: but it'd still be nice
RetardInADress: yes but now that the image has been implanted in each of our imaginations there will be those dreams
trolldom: could be
RetardInADress: i dont know im tired now
trolldom: no you arent
RetardInADress: ok im not
trolldom: rad
trolldom: so now..
RetardInADress: look at you you street fighter, your rad is silly
trolldom: well. silly is as silly does
trolldom: aye?
RetardInADress: i saw pulp fiction for the first time this evening
trolldom: great movie
RetardInADress: that movie was gorgeous
trolldom: it really was
trolldom: i have a question
RetardInADress: ok
trolldom: those time scott nicole and yourself would hang out at night and play truth or dare or whatever
trolldom: what all did you guys do
RetardInADress: you wonder about that
trolldom: i was always curious to know
RetardInADress: i think they told you
RetardInADress: at least scott
trolldom: nope
RetardInADress: really
RetardInADress: its ok if they did
RetardInADress: id expect it
trolldom: all i remember is running around the pool naked
RetardInADress: so they did tell you
RetardInADress: that was nicole i believew
trolldom: that was it?
RetardInADress: no
trolldom: do tell
RetardInADress: well im not sure how much i remember
trolldom: details please =oP
RetardInADress: because scott tells me i did more than i remember
trolldom: like?
RetardInADress: the extent was i probably licked nicoles snatch and scott was wearing my underwear and me and nicole kissed
RetardInADress: i feel so ashamed
trolldom: why?
RetardInADress: i dont know that was half sarcastic
trolldom: where was i that night?
trolldom: i swear i miss out on everything
RetardInADress: i have no idea but i wish you were there
RetardInADress: it sucks cuz i wasnt really attracted to either of em
trolldom: they both spoke highly of you then
RetardInADress: really cuz i feel like they whispered about me afterwards
trolldom: its ashame what happened to them
trolldom: i leave... everyone got together
trolldom: had the time of their lives
trolldom: then they all split up and hated one another
RetardInADress: i dont really know what happened them
RetardInADress: i do know all the hate
RetardInADress: tell me what they said about me
trolldom: cant remember
RetardInADress: yes you can i told you what i remembered
trolldom: i remember nicole said you had nice tits
RetardInADress: it wont hurt my feelings or anything
trolldom: thats about it
RetardInADress: i always felt like they had more to say
trolldom: im sure they did
trolldom: thats all i remember
RetardInADress: ok i guess ill have to be satisfied with all you remeber is that they said i have nice tits
RetardInADress: thats not so bad
trolldom: not at all
RetardInADress: do you have any other questions about that nite
trolldom: nah
trolldom: butt
trolldom: i have to brush my teeth and face
trolldom: brb
RetardInADress: i thought you might find this amusing Onlyindreamz33: not everyone can pull off having a purse lookin like a sheep carcus