ohohohohohoh i almost forgot those "thought-provoking" questions
1. Describe yourself (be sure to include your name, age, where you live, hobbies, etc.) 2. What are your best and worst personality traits? 3. Take the lyrics to a song that has really touched you and post them with this entry. Then use lines of the song to highlight how/why you related so strongly to it. 4. Do you have any tattoos? Would you like to get any? What have you had done, or what would you like to get? 5. What are three goals you have set for 2009, and how do you plan to accomplish them? 6. What have been your best and worst swap-bot experiences? 7. How did you meet your best friend? Why do you think you get along so well? 8. How has the recent economy affected you and when do you think it’s going to get better? 9. What is the scariest thing you've ever lived through? 10. What has been your best vacation to date? 11. Write about a belief that you have discarded. What changed? 12. Describe a situation where you wish you could go back in time and say something different. What would you have said instead? 13. What is the best time you've ever had with your family? 14. What is the most romantic day you've ever had so far? If you haven’t had one, what would you imagine it would be like? 15. What is something even your closest friends would be surprised to learn about you? 16. What is the biggest lie you have ever told but were never caught? Why did you tell it? 17. Write a poem that uses the following words: teeth, purple, feather(ed), train, school, emotion(s), climb, luggage, waterfall(s), bid. 18. What are three “nevers” in your life? What are three “always”? Why? 19. Where do you go to seek “me” time in your day to day life? 20. Who are the people in your life that bring you joy? How do they do it? 21. How have you changed from the person you were 10 years ago, where do you see yourself ten years from now? 22. What is something that others may find ugly but you find beautiful? How about vice versa? Why? 23. What book could you read over and over again? Why does it speak to you? 24. If you had to start your life over completely with just the contents of one suitcase, what would you pack? 25. Which holiday do you wish would be removed from the calendar and never celebrated again? Why? 26. What current trend or style do you just “not get”? 27. Do you think that the law should be tougher on crimes that are committed against children, even in cases of theft or other petty crime? What if the defendant is also a child? 28. What is the kindest thing a stranger has ever done for you? What is the kindest thing you have ever done for a stranger? 29. If you have children, what is one thing you would change about them? If you don’t have kids what is one thing you hope they won’t do? 30. How are you secretly cool? 31. What event are you most looking forward to in the next year?
1. Describe yourself (be sure to include your name, age, where you live, hobbies, etc.)
2. What are your best and worst personality traits?
3. Take the lyrics to a song that has really touched you and post them with this entry. Then use lines of the song to highlight how/why you related so strongly to it.
4. Do you have any tattoos? Would you like to get any? What have you had done, or what would you like to get?
5. What are three goals you have set for 2009, and how do you plan to accomplish them?
6. What have been your best and worst swap-bot experiences?
7. How did you meet your best friend? Why do you think you get along so well?
8. How has the recent economy affected you and when do you think it’s going to get better?
9. What is the scariest thing you've ever lived through?
10. What has been your best vacation to date?
11. Write about a belief that you have discarded. What changed?
12. Describe a situation where you wish you could go back in time and say something different. What would you have said instead?
13. What is the best time you've ever had with your family?
14. What is the most romantic day you've ever had so far? If you haven’t had one, what would you imagine it would be like?
15. What is something even your closest friends would be surprised to learn about you?
16. What is the biggest lie you have ever told but were never caught? Why did you tell it?
17. Write a poem that uses the following words: teeth, purple, feather(ed), train, school, emotion(s), climb, luggage, waterfall(s), bid.
18. What are three “nevers” in your life? What are three “always”? Why?
19. Where do you go to seek “me” time in your day to day life?
20. Who are the people in your life that bring you joy? How do they do it?
21. How have you changed from the person you were 10 years ago, where do you see yourself ten years from now?
22. What is something that others may find ugly but you find beautiful? How about vice versa? Why?
23. What book could you read over and over again? Why does it speak to you?
24. If you had to start your life over completely with just the contents of one suitcase, what would you pack?
25. Which holiday do you wish would be removed from the calendar and never celebrated again? Why?
26. What current trend or style do you just “not get”?
27. Do you think that the law should be tougher on crimes that are committed against children, even in cases of theft or other petty crime? What if the defendant is also a child?
28. What is the kindest thing a stranger has ever done for you? What is the kindest thing you have ever done for a stranger?
29. If you have children, what is one thing you would change about them? If you don’t have kids what is one thing you hope they won’t do?
30. How are you secretly cool?
31. What event are you most looking forward to in the next year?
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