Aug 22, 2005 00:57
i got to smoke on friday and it felt gooooood. one bowl man. thats all it took. it was so insane. once im off probation its gonna kick so much ass. oh yea, i was at the mall friday and p.diddy was there. so i can kinda say i met him? even though i avoided the crowd as much as possible sine it made mel mel scared. oh and we were taking palm tran back to her house and the fucking lady kicked us off @ city place. (we had to take 40E since we missed 40W) we were so pissed. but i saw blaine and a few other kids from g-star i get along with. it made me happy. i kinda miss them but you know my life is just SO great now with the getting arrested and all. heh... i was supposed to dye my hair 2day but my mother 4got 2 make the appointment. oh well... but yea... i guess im gonna go now. theres other things that need to get done at 1am.