(no subject)

Sep 16, 2004 09:15

Hey guys, how's life?
Good here, I'm at Katie's this morning waiting to go down to the vet so puppy can get his shots. I wonder how he's gonna take this..lol..
But afterwards I'll probably go home and figure some things out before work. i've got a lot of contemplating to do. I found yesterday that my step-sister/downstairs neighbor has been robbbing me blind for cable money since she moved in. And who knows how many other bills she's told me the wrong price of that I've been paying all this time. I was outraged. I still am. I just want her out of the house now. I can't trust a damn word she says to be truthful now. I spent all day yesterday trying to switch all the bills in my name so this can't happen again but now that I know she's capable of things like this, how can I trust her at all around ANYTHING ya know?? But I'll figure out what I want to do in due time. Other than that, I won one of those poker games I was going to, I won like 300 bucks, so I went out with crazy Yvonne and splurged out on myself and got Katie some little things. Ummm....yea that's it. Too short??

Sue me.
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