you know what sucks? when you think so highly of someone and you just totally respect and love the shit out of them and you tell everyone you know about them and then a few hours later they fucking disrespect you to the worst degree. thats one of the worst feelings ever and it makes you rethink how much you trust and love someone and how real people really are with you. you think you know someone and then BAM they fucking do a complete 180 and surprise the fuck out of you. this is why im cynical about how nice and true people are really being to you. fuck people like that.
and also..
this made me sad. poor guy. seriously. i know its stupid to get wrapped up in stuff like this but after being obsessed with their show i feel personally affected by their divorce and that interview just completely hurt my heart. i feel so bad for him. hes so sincere. or at least he comes off that way. i just feel bad for him. read it. especially if youre really into all the celeb goss. its pretty juicy.
oh and.. the new job is ok. its easy and its gonna take some getting used to but it will do for now. especially after i start actually seeing some money. which needs to be soon.. im so broke i could die.