So yea.. I haven't really updated. Sorry. I've been watching alot of Naruto and playing a bunch of
Settlers of Catan so you can guess how thats been going. Very time consuming. Just want to say A-kon was fun. The sights, the people, the Piano Squall. I'm saving up for next year for sure. I'll need way more than $300. On my way there i saw one of my friends which was really cool since its been like 2 years since we've hung out.
Sharing a room with Brandon is not the greatest thing in the world, let me tell ya. yeah yeah. He's an ass. Stewart and Steven on the other hand were cool but always left when Brandon and I started talking to random people and hanging out with them. I guess thats where Brandon was cool but still shitty since he uses his retarded antics to get these people's attention and then i go and talk to them and have a not so bullshit filled convo as they would have with Brandon. RAWR my birthname is Axle. GOOD FOR YOU SHITHOLE!
Chris was there. Brandon, John and I had luch with him at a place accross the street. We then lost him shortly after Piano Squall. go figure. Well He showed up at like 2AM in our room and i woke up an dhe was there and i said WTF?
"oh dont mind me. I'm just having a drink," said Chris with a big green on his face as he sipped on some kalua drink. I went to sleep after that and that was pretty much it for that night. Well except when i woke up and walked in the hall in my undies and peple wanted me to go in there rooms @__@;;;.
Yea now that its after a-kon... Settlers and Naruto. Thats pretty much it. I stioll need to find a job since hastings isn't hiring me so if someone can help me out that would be much appreciated. K THX
'::,End Transmission,::'