Meet Monsieur Valentine version 2.0:
( Okay, so I can't upload any photos from my camera 'cause technology doesn't like me.*
But yes! I have a new iPod! )
*I think I have some sort of magnetic field around me that disrupts technology's ability to function properly. My first iPod's hard drive died/fried on me. My laptop screen blacked out on Nov. 6, 2007 and remained in repair for over a month at Staples because the motherboard had to be replaced (?!). (And as I haven't heard anything from Staples yet, I'm not completely sure it's back from repairs. But it dang well should be!) Random fuzzy lines appeared on our TV (whose remote resembles a machine from the 1980s 'cause there's a zillion and one buttons on it) while we were watching Funny Face. Last week, Inside Man kept skipping & got stuck in the middle of the movie on both DVD players AND the computer/Windows Media Player, and I wasn't able to finish watching it, which was amazingly frustrating. Apparently, Inside Man worked fine the first time my family watched the DVD. Maybe it is me. And finally, I haven't been able to connect my Canon camera to either of the home computers in order to upload photos. So I can't share them with any of you.
Technology has problems with/around me. So I'm watching out for you, Mr. Valentine the Second! And yes, I succumbed to purchasing Future Shop's 2-year warranty for him.
I've had many opportunities to think, to read, to listen and to be challenged over the past 2 weeks away from Kingston. I thank my friends & my fellowship for some of these opportunities.
Over & over this past term, I have been learning to pray with increasing boldness and to ask boldly for God to work in impossible situations with impossible odds. I have always been a little hesitant, especially in approaching someone to ask for a favour, or even just to ask a question out of turn. And though it is so easy to approach God with my worries and problems, why is it more difficult to ask for what I really want? Do I not believe that my intentions are aligned with His for my coming days? I have been challenged to expand my field of vision to include more & more people, bigger & bigger plans. Because His ways are higher than mine.
I am a person of passive intentions, quite hesitant & uncertain because of my self-consciousness. I struggle with getting over myself. It's been a challenge & lesson for me to pray with increasing abandon as to how "spiritual" I sound in my prayers aloud; in other words, to pray with decreasing care for what I physically sound like.
Over & over, the emphasis is and continues to be on the importance of discipleship. It truly is the responsibility of anyone who is in a position of spiritual leadership &/or maturity to include the well-being of other Christian friends, especially those who are younger, in both age & spiritual maturity, in conversation and prayer. As I have been reminded, it is a part of
the Great Commission. I've talked about my lack of initiative before - so what less than a command and a Love that compels me into action to drive discipleship forward?
I'm slowly coming back into this online journaling habit. I'm hoping that it continues, because I really am fond of re-reading past journal entries as keepsakes of some of the eclectic thoughts I gather at times. What can I say? I'm a packrat of quotes, scraps of newspapers & magazines, and thoughts.