(no subject)

Sep 13, 2005 00:03

So, I found out Dawn has a boyfriend. In the most roundabout way possible--she took off with him last weekend because some magic plant was making him sick or crazy. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that she picked a guy who's not exactly Mr. Normal, and I can't complain, considering her last boyfriend was a vampire. It's not like I don't see the attraction, the guy is gorgeous. But I'm a little worried, I guess he's telepathic and hearing extra voices or something, and Dawn looked so worried and upset about it. Willow's looking into some way of helping him, but I had to patrol so I didn't catch everything she found out about it.

I'm starting to wonder if I should check the basement on a regular basis. It seems Avasa was sleeping down there for a few nights. I swear, I don't know how I survived this long when I miss this stuff going on right under my nose. Dawn's been seeing the guy for months and I had no clue. Makes me wonder what else I've been missing.

She finally got off to college, though, and the house seems really empty without her. The self-defense classes have become a little hit or miss now that the girls are in classes, although Amanda keeps coming regularly. She has some funky new throwing spikes she wants me to help her learn to use. And I have enough to keep me busy, between watching the Magic Box again while Anya's in LA helping Cordy research something, and doing my regular patrols with London. Although, the vamp population sure has seemed to have thinned out the last week.

Willow tested Wilkins' snot and declared it 100% human, so I guess there's not much I can do on that situation, except do an occasional run by his place to watch for anything odd. I'm kinda thinking Giles is pretty frustrated by that.
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