Willow and
Tara came home last night, finally. I figured they were only gonna be gone a couple of days, not the whole week. Will didn't say a lot about what they did, but she did mention
Angel said hi, so she must have talked to him a little. Guess that's progress. I went around to check on
London--I've really missed having her around to patrol with me all week. She was all bummed out about having to come back and leave
Mel--that slayer from the future. Guess they really hit it off.
Hopefully now that everyone's back we can do that shopping trip to get the rest of the stuff
Dawnie's gonna need for the dorm. I'm glad she's rooming with
one of her friends, it'll be so much nicer for her than my first roomie encounter was.
We haven't heard word one about what
Wilkins might be up to. Even
Giles hasn't found anything, and I'm sure he's been digging as hard as he can to find something evil on the guy.
Riley's mostly found personal stuff, but again, nothing we can pin on him. So I've decided to go in incognito and see if I can hear anything--well, dressed up and wearing dark glasses, anyway. I'm not going so far as to go all Alias in a wig or anything. Riley said he'd keep an eye on the perimeter and let me know if anyone was coming. So here's me, acting all casual.
*Slips into the lobby of the apartment building and wanders around for a few minutes, watching the elevator to the penthouse, before getting bored, going over and taking it up.*