Oh my God,
Cordy is so living in a dreamworld. She's got it all set in her mind that
Angel and
Giles and whoever else are going to come sweeping in at any moment and rescue us. I mean, yes, it's totally great that she thought of sending the letter, and if it got to them then I don't have to keep worrying about
Dawnie freaking out that we're dead or in a hell dimension (because, really, it's not SO bad now that we're out of slumsville). And so sorry to burst your bubble, Cordy. Maybe they are working on some great plan to get us out of here, but the thing is? We can't count on it.
The only time they ever came and rescued me was when I was in heaven, dammit. The hell dimension? I had to fight my own way out.
So I can't just sit on my butt and wait. There's gotta be some sort of demon underground that knows...something. Maybe where that Axis of Python thing that we used that time to rescue
Tara is around somewhere. Of course, that was for alternate dimensions and maybe it wouldn't work for time travel, but we don't know for sure we aren't in some alternate, do we?
Anya hasn't noticed any glaring differences, but I mean, it's not like we've checked every single detail. Anyway, I'm gonna see if she remembers anything else from this time period, just some place to start looking for a way home...and omigod, is she hitting on another footman?