So at work I'm working in the drive thru lane, and around midnight, I handle everything dealing with drive thru (taking orders, money, making drinks, handing out food, etc). About 10 minutes after midnight this guy orders one thing and then drives up to the window where I am, which isn't odd, cause that's what people do. HOWEVER, normal people don't have video cameras and proceed to videotape me. At first I thought it was cute, but when he handed me his money and obviously hadn't bothered counting it (he handed me 2 fives and a one - His total was $1.72) and was so focused on looking at the display on his video camera that he let his change drop out of his hand onto the floor of his car... well... o_o; It also didn't help that he had this child molester smile on his face the entire time. ;o; Normally I would have asked what it was for and not let it bother me... but I don't know, when something like that happens that late at night, the first thing that popped into my head was that he was some fucking crazy weirdo. It bothered me enough that I ended up going to the nearest male employee and asked them to hand out his food because I was so creeped out. An hour later I was fine and actually laughed about it, but at the time it seriously weirded me out for some reason. I bet it was for some project (because he didn't look any older than me), but I don't want to think about what else it could be used for.
On another note... I can't wait for Wednesday because that is the day I will own Final Fantasy X-2. *_* And in honor of that, I have made
this wallpaper for my computer! -
If you want the full sized one (1024x768) Just ask me for it (because Geocities is being a meanie). Fun with filters and layers. Yay-yay! I did another without the song lyrics (which are from 1000 words), but it actually looks better with them. Then I tried redoing it without the little slideshow thing along the bottom... but I like it.. c.c
So besides that, I really haven't been doing much other than role playing Aerith. But only trying to get as much of it before I disappear because of FFX-2. :D Oh and for all the people that
wanted to take some of my fan subs off my hands... I need your addresses (email them to me, please) so I can mail the tapes off before it gets any closer to Christmas, ._. Or even January. Except for Aaron. He can come and get his.