Nov 29, 2011 17:54
[Hey guys, Heero's back, and is now being brought in from after episode sixteen, for the curious/Gundam Wing savvy. He looks pretty much the same as usual, maybe a little paler and skinnier, although anyone who actually knows him well might be able to tell he's looking a little confused, because by his personal calendar, it shouldn't still be November.]
... It's only been two weeks. It feels like it should have been longer.
Although I guess given the state of that flood, I shouldn't be complaining. [Was that... maybe kind of a joke? His tone is still as dry as ever, so good luck making a call on that one.]
Has anything else significant happened? [He already knows, given his network stalking ways, but he's more interested in hearing people's opinions on the matter after the fact.]
[Infirmary Filter]
[Hnnn he kind of hates to do this, but:] I'm in need of some minor medical assistance.
[Filtered to Friends - if you think you're on it, you are.]
[Private to Kay]
... I need to talk to you.
[Private to Olive]
[Hey Olive. Your network stalking inmate noticed your escapades while he was gone. :V] I'm sorry I left.
olive i'm not singing that song,
only sort of suicidal,
apparently i care about people,
so i'm not dead i guess,
[game]: lastvoyages,
grandpa kay took me fishing once,
canon update for great justice?,
hospitals and i don't get along,
stalker no stalking