May 18, 2004 03:09
i know i have already updated today...mearly a few hours ago...but i have been reminded of things i'd forgotten...things unexpected...and i am here again...drowning in the glare of the blue flame of the screen...nothing but away messages all over...and i wish to talk to someone...and though there is someone merely a few feet away...i cannot mumble even a word...i don't want her to see me...see these drunken eyes...taste these smoke ridden fingertips...kiss these cheating lips...embrace this soulless shell...and i want so badly to sweep her up...and tuck her away...deep in this eternal static...but i am left with only the flickering montage of my absence of arienette...if you can hear me...i am sorry my must not spread that word about...i am a itch in the back of your throat...the sleep in your eyes...wipe me away...and i don't fear death...i will come on in..take me on...and if i should taste me not...i deserve to burn...and no more tears will i sins are forgiven...and how ironic this is...what i have become...and what i always wanted out of my arienette...i have fallen short again...and my fever burns me let me just kiss you fingertips...and walk you home tonight...and if the moonlight falls just right...and the wind breathes within the leaves...then in that with me