Aug 22, 2011 22:44
I won't bother trying to brush all that off. Had things been different? I guess that person... during the flood, I mean. I could have been him.
My family doesn't exactly have the cleanest record when it comes to knowing how to run a country without just exterminating anything that got in our way. Or without using fear and torture to get people to listen to us.
But I know that. And I know that it's not the best way to run a country. Or that it's even acceptable. What we did was wrong, and cruel, and it had to be stopped. I saw that, and I fought for it to become a reality. A world where peace and kindness could help repair the damage and
I'm still fighting for it. We won the war, but that doesn't mean everything's magically been fixed. It'll take work, and it's not going to be easy, but that's what we have to do. And I'll keep fighting for that - a world where people aren't ruled by fear or prejudice or violence - until the day I die.
[Private to Vanessa]
I'm sorry.
i could have been an inmate once,
you wanna know how i got these scars?,
i'm never happy,
[game]: lastvoyages,
why is my inmate jet