Dec 10, 2006 11:08
Well, not me hehe, but did help out a couple good friends move their stuff into their new apartment. Not a moment too soon either, since things were looking pretty bad with Joe being a complete dick the entire time we were trying to get things moved. Regardless, they're out of there and seem to be quite thrilled with the new place, which I think is rather cool itself (Especially the cat lady, though everytime I looked at her I felt really evil when I thought about the crazy cat lady on The Simpsons XD) Kinda wish my back had healed up a bit more. Kept feeling like a little wuss everytime I had to put down a box. At least it is healing and I should be better within a few more weeks.
Kinda felt bad when I finally had to go home though. Not so much that I was leaving them with a lot of boxes to unpack (Though they more or less just crashed anyway hehe), but that I had to go back home to Spectra and Ash again. At least they were a bit more civil with one another. Only dropping subtle hints but at least they didn't blow up at each other again. Still more drinking and smoking going on by everyone (Even Charlie's girl was smoking...big huge cigars too. Don't think I could ever date a woman like that.) Still can't get over all that smoking....feel like I can't breath sometimes. People can smoke all they want, but I wish they didn't have to make me suffer in my own place.
Just wish people were more considerate of others.