Fourth Flame [Action/Voice]

Feb 21, 2010 18:42

[After a conversation with Sokka not long after they moved house, Zuko has decided it's finally time to decorate the house. He's been slowly purchasing everything thing he needs since the move, and today he is finally ready to start work on the decorations to his half of the house. There is a line drawn down the middle of the living area of the ( Read more... )

event, katara, voice, action, my half of the house sokka, house decoration

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[Disembodied voooiiiicee~] floral_powder February 21 2010, 16:19:38 UTC
[Cough. Sorry about that. ]

It should take a few hours - depending on the size of the room and its ventilation - um, are the windows open?


[Disembodied voooiiiicee~] restoremyhonour February 21 2010, 22:46:07 UTC
[Hides from disembodied voice.]

I'm painting half the house. [There is a sound much like windows being opened.] Yes they are.

You know about house painting?


[Disembodied voooiiiicee~] floral_powder February 21 2010, 22:54:24 UTC
[Don't be afraid, it wants to be your friend~!]

... Only half? [ Perplexed noise, and then a soft 'oh!' ] You mean someone else is helping you paint the other half? [ Good boy Zuko, no tripping on paint fumes. ]

A little. My mother and I painted one of the rooms of the house once; it took a couple of hours to dry, and we had to stay out of the house or the smell would bother us.


[Disembodied voooiiiicee~] restoremyhonour February 21 2010, 23:51:30 UTC
[Okay friends it is. Hugs disembodied voice.]

The other half will be done later by one of my other housemates. In some horrible colour I'm sure.

I've never tried to paint a house before. It does smell a bit, not too much though.


[Disembodied voooiiiicee~] floral_powder February 22 2010, 00:05:49 UTC
[ Yay! ]

Oh... what color are you painting your half...? [ This, to Polka, is a very, VERY strange way to paint a house. Seriously. But it will be a very colorful house, so that's ... good...she thinks. ]

Hrm... well... you covered the furniture right?


[Disembodied voooiiiicee~] restoremyhonour February 22 2010, 09:10:03 UTC
Red's and Gold. Matches the palace I live in at home. [It's a strange way to Zuko as well, but Sokka wanted his half, so his half he will get.]

There is going to be new furniture.


[Disembodied voooiiiicee~] floral_powder February 22 2010, 13:26:09 UTC
Oh! That sounds love-- [ Wait, what? ] Palace? A-Are you an Emperor too? [ Damnit Polka what is this and your streak of talking to Important People(tm) without proper titles? ... nevermind she didn't know they were royalty at the start. ._.; ]

Will the furniture match too?


[Disembodied voooiiiicee~] restoremyhonour February 22 2010, 22:27:32 UTC
I'm the Fire Lord. [Which could be kind of like an Emperor, but who cares. It doesn't really matter that much here anyway.] Or at least I was back home.


[Disembodied voooiiiicee~] 1 of 2 floral_powder February 23 2010, 00:02:55 UTC
[ Long silence. Loong long silence in which Polka is quickly backtracking her conversation and reevaluating what she's said in the hopes that she didn't say anything offensive. D: Give her a moment - still processing. ]


[Disembodied voooiiiicee~] 2 of 2 floral_powder February 23 2010, 00:04:34 UTC
[ And the Polka OS reboots itself, though she sounds extremely apologetic. For...some reason. ]

Oh! Oh I.. I didn't know! I'm sorry Um..! How do you address a Fire Lord? Is it 'Your Majesty'? or 'Your Highness' or ... um.. oh...!


[Disembodied voooiiiicee~] restoremyhonour February 23 2010, 00:23:17 UTC
You say Fire Lord Zuko. Or just Zuko. [He's a bit confused by the apologetic voice. She hasn't done anything wrong. It's not like he needs to be fawned over. He hated that. Like not even being able to walk to the house across the street alone. It was Azula who liked that type of status, not him.

Sigh.] What's your name?


[Disembodied voooiiiicee~] floral_powder February 23 2010, 00:49:52 UTC
[ .... does not compute! Royalty is supposed to be addressed as such. It's only proper... oh wait, she was asked a question. ]

Um.. just...Zuko? Not..... Fire Lord Zuko...? [ But... but... Fire Lord is unsaid. If he's going to insist, she'll simply have to do as he asks, but she'll be sure to keep in mind this was -royalty- she was talking to! Or close enough to it. ]

Oh! I'm terribly sorry; my name is Polka. It's nice to meet you!


[Disembodied voooiiiicee~] restoremyhonour February 23 2010, 03:31:45 UTC
The Fire Lord bit is still new. I was Prince Zuko before that. [Being exiled for years does funny things to how you think people should address you. And hanging around people like Sokka and Toph with their names for him doesn't help much.]

It's nice to meet you Polka.


[Disembodied voooiiiicee~] floral_powder February 23 2010, 03:46:28 UTC
So you really would rather be called Zuko then? [ Pause. ] I'm sorry, it's just strange for me. Where I'm from, the only nobility I know are Count Waltz, Prince Crescendo and Princess Serenade - and I couldn't possibly refer to them without their proper titles. It just seems disrespectful.

I wish it were Spring - I'd offer flowers to help decorate your roo- [ Oh wait, guy. Do guys like flowers as decoration? ] Hm. Do you like flowers? [ So so perplexed. ;.; ]


[Disembodied voooiiiicee~] restoremyhonour February 23 2010, 05:15:49 UTC
It's complicated. And a long story. Zuko is fine. It doesn't change who I am here.

[Flowers. Katara might like flowers.] I... You can make tea with some flowers. That's all I know about them. Flower decorations. Is there anywhere we can get flowers in winter here?


[Disembodied voooiiiicee~] floral_powder February 23 2010, 12:51:24 UTC
Okay...Zuko. [ And seeing as she isn't immediately struck down by the gods of good manners, she continues with a bit more confidence. Because Zuko hits upon a topic she loves. ]

Back home we always made floral powder and floral teas to sell. In addition to the regular flowers I mean. [Thinking a moment.] Ah, someone told me that there's a flower shop somewhere around here. They might have flowers still in bloom. Other than that, maybe winter-blooming flowers? But I don't have any seeds for those.


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