Third Flame [Voice/Action]

Feb 11, 2010 02:23

[Zuko can be found today in the area between house 56 and the barracks. He's looking annoyed, and is working through drills with his dual Dao blades with more focus then he really needs. When he pauses for a moment the journal picks up on his voice, and he's sounding very frustrated]I thought we were through all this. Now she can't even remember ( Read more... )

sword practice, why doens't katara remember?, voice, action

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markofthebrave February 10 2010, 18:56:56 UTC
[And sometime later, Katara is going to come looking for him. She'll stand far back to the side for a while, observing him, trying to match up what Sokka told her and what she sees to the Zuko that she remembers. But she knows this is something that she has to do. He might notice when she approaches that her hand is close to the lid of her canteen. Even with the snow all around, even with all she's been told, what she knows is that he's her enemy and he has swords in his hands.]

Zuko. We need to talk.


restoremyhonour February 10 2010, 23:29:00 UTC
[Noting Katara's wariness in approaching him he's not going to fully relax.]

What about?


[Action] markofthebrave February 10 2010, 23:41:01 UTC
[You're kidding, right? Here she is, coming to you and trying to positively resolve this in some way and you're going to play stupid? All right. Fine. Blunt it is.]

I don't like you, I don't trust you, and we're living in the same house. [Add a glare. Because she's actually feeling a little uncertain in her position here, considering that she's had time to sleep on Sokka's description and the only danger Zuko currently represents is if he'd stab them in their sleep.]


Re: [Action] restoremyhonour February 11 2010, 00:02:01 UTC
[It wasn't playing stupid, it was resigned to this conversation.]

And what do you want me to do about it? [Trying to not get angry at her for being blunt.]


[Action] markofthebrave February 11 2010, 00:28:53 UTC
[Saying 'die in a fire' seems tactless. Katara will pause to think for a moment and attempt to reevaluate her strategy.]

What do I want you to do? Leave. Find another house. Go back in time and make it so your betrayal didn't almost kill Aang.

[She's going to meet Zuko's gaze and hold it for a long minute.] But Sokka said you've changed. He said you followed through. I know better than to believe you when you say that, but Sokka called you a friend, and he wouldn't do that for just anybody... so prove it.


[Action] 1/2 restoremyhonour February 11 2010, 01:01:46 UTC
[Zuko is going to hold Katara's gaze.]

How do you want me to prove it?


[Action] 2/2 restoremyhonour February 11 2010, 01:04:41 UTC
[Pause.] And for the record, I'm sorry about that.


[Action] markofthebrave February 11 2010, 01:20:47 UTC
'Sorry' isn't good enough! Do you know what could have happened if he had died? He was in the Avatar state! If you're such good friends now you should know what that means.


[Action] restoremyhonour February 11 2010, 01:27:16 UTC
I do now. I didn't then. I thought I had a way back to my family, what I'd always wanted. It took me being accepted by my father for me to realise how much I didn't want it, and how wrong he was.


[Action] markofthebrave February 11 2010, 01:58:44 UTC
You risked the entire fate of the world for your father's approval? How dare you!


[Action] restoremyhonour February 11 2010, 02:05:04 UTC
Back then I would have risked everything.

Does the work CHANGED mean nothing to you?


[Action] markofthebrave February 11 2010, 02:10:42 UTC
It meant plenty to me the first time you said it. I'm not going to fall for that a second time. They say that we became friends, but I don't understand how I could ever trust you.


[Action] restoremyhonour February 11 2010, 06:46:17 UTC
I fell for Azula's tricks. I should have listened to my uncle and not to her that day.

[There is a frustrated sigh.] Why can't you remember?!


[Action] markofthebrave February 11 2010, 15:08:20 UTC
[Excuses are worthless, Zuko. You're just lucky you took some responsibility there at the end.]

How am I supposed to know! [No, that's not a sore spot, not at all.] I don't even know what it is I'm not remembering! [She's going to turn to her side, her hands fisting at her sides, and speak more quietly. She's not sure she can do this if she's looking at him.] I didn't come out here to fight with you. I came out here to--

[Her fists tighten. No. She can't do it. Even with all that Sokka said to her, she can't say that she'll be watching him closely for one slip up, but until then she'll give him another chance. She just can't.]


[Action] restoremyhonour February 11 2010, 23:22:34 UTC
[Zuko takes a deep breath like he's going to yell back at Katara, and then catches that soft comment. He lets the breath out slowly and speaks much more calmly.]

So what did you come out here to say to me?


[Action] markofthebrave February 12 2010, 01:26:35 UTC
[Katara can actually feel her nails pressing hard into her skin at this point, and she's still not looking at him. A muscle in her cheek twitches.]

I don't know what happened that made them think that we became friends. I'm not sure I want to. [Turns to face him, fists still clenched hard at her sides.] But we're here now. There is no Fire Nation, no Avatar. My brother and Toph both trust you. And Sokka doesn't trust anyone and Toph would know when you're lying. [Deep breath] So I'll have your word, on that honor you claim to value so much, that you are not going to hurt them. And I'll be watching you. But until you step out of line, I'll stay out of your way.


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