one ( → ) voice / video

Jan 04, 2010 15:07

Excuse me-- [ the voice of a young lady softly echoes on the dreamberry. ] ..pardon me, I...

[ it seems as if she's trying to get someone's attention. She sighs softly, glancing at the dreamberry. ] ...I've never seen anything like this before. How does it--

[ the video shoots on. When it makes a small noise, she jumps a bit. ] How...?

yuan kafei, vincent nightray, ;voice, sora, draco malfoy, zelos wilder, antonio fernandez (spain), ;video

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[ 2 / 2 ] dissidentt January 5 2010, 03:28:08 UTC
[ A voice that caused him to seize the Dreamberry from its nearly permanent stash under a stack of books in his room. When he didn't need it, he kept it hidden, as if hoping it wouldn't project any of his damn personal life upon the citizens here. They didn't care, and likewise, he didn't care about them. So why even bother?

But for once, he was desperate to grab that device. He hoped against all odds that no one saw the momentary flash of desperation and weakness. Because for such an inconsiderate, tough bastard as himself, he was acting like a fumbling teenager.

His fingers knocked the books out of the way and he fumbled with the device. Before he could even register the thoughts in his head or fully make the connection, voice to face, voice to face, he had accepted the broadcasted call.

And when he looked down and saw her face, his own was as pale as the whitest of satin.

He didn't drop the Dreamberry, didn't faint, didn't cry, or anything else cliche. There, true, was a slight tremble to his hold, and a slight widening of his eyes, and a knot in his stomach, but nothing that crappy romance novels or cheaply written stories ever talked about.

This was ... ]



restorehope January 5 2010, 03:40:15 UTC
Yuan? [ she looks down at the dreamberry, and her eyes widen. Her lips curve into a smile. ] Yuan! You, too? [ she can see his pale figure through the tiny screen, and it worries her a bit. ] You're so pale...are you alright?


dissidentt January 5 2010, 03:43:15 UTC
[ Dead.

Dead.Dead.Dead. She was supposed to be dead and part of the Goddess now, not living, breathing, speaking with him.

He bit back the urge to throw the device in blind confusion, because when did things stop making sense?!

He said nothing for a moment before her words reached his ears, and the momentary anger faded. He blinked a few times before realizing that yes, perhaps he had grown pale. Even though he couldn't see his face, he felt the lightness to his head. ]

... I'm fine. And yourself?


restorehope January 5 2010, 03:50:15 UTC
[ she looks worried, even so. Come on, man, she knows you a bit better than that. But if he insists he's alright, she decides not to push him. ]

I'm...well. [ she lets her voice slip a bit. She was almost killed a few moments ago, and now, somehow, she's opened her eyes here. Maybe she passed on? But then...why is Yuan here? ]

I'm alright, as well. [ she regains her regular tone quickly, and smiles again. ] I'm glad to see you're okay.


dissidentt January 5 2010, 03:53:47 UTC
[ He finds it hard to connect words together to make intelligent, coherent sentences. When did speaking become so hard? He knows what he wants to say, but damned is he able to get the words out of his throat and through the Dreamberry. Perhaps if he rips them out and squeezes them through? Even such, Martel. 'okay' was an understatement compared to what he had witnessed his beloved go through. The murder. Everything. ]

Has anyone told you where you are yet? [ He isn't sure what to say, what to ask, because she's acting like they were just doting yesterday and all was fine. She isn't crying or anything and it tears him up inside not knowing what to say, what to do... ]


restorehope January 5 2010, 04:00:01 UTC
No, I just woke up.. [ she smiles sweetly. hiding bad things is like a talent that has been nurtured over a long period of time. That, and crying in public would worry people. :C she doesn't mean to attract attention. ]

Where are we, Yuan? [ since he asked, she guesses he wants to tell her. C: ]


dissidentt January 5 2010, 04:03:21 UTC
[ Just woke up ... He nods, and his shaking has gone down a bit, because for just a second, he feels like he's back in the days of the Kharlan War where she was safe and by his side. The days where Kratos and Mithos were slumbering nearby. Where traitors were only humans and elves, not best friends. ]

The world itself is called Somarium. There's a village, Espoir...

It's... similar to Heimdall. The city is Somni.

[ There's a brief pause before he continues, ]

I've been here for over six months now.


restorehope January 5 2010, 04:19:34 UTC
For...six months? [ her eyes widen. ] But you were just...a few moments ago, you were with me...

[ this is quite shocking news. Maybe Yuan's suffering from memory loss? He seems to remember her alright. ] ...are you sure, Yuan?


dissidentt January 5 2010, 04:26:50 UTC
[ And now it all make sense. Or at least, as something as obscure as this situation can. He closes his eyes and allows the thoughts and feelings to mull over. Just a bit more. Form a conglomerate of sorts. ]

...Time works in odd ways here, Martel.


restorehope January 5 2010, 04:40:35 UTC
... [ it's Martel's turn to be distracted. Either she's in the afterlife and seeing/hearing things, or she's dreaming. There's just no way that he could have been here for more than a few minutes. That man jumped out of no where- after her head hit the ground, she could see the sun reflect off of the weapon he was holding. All she did was close her eyes for a single second. ]

[ she smiles weakly. ] I see. Are Mithos and Kratos here, too? [ lets try talking about your bff and my little brother. :C THAT SHOULD LIFT THE TENSION Y/Y/VY? ]


dissidentt January 5 2010, 04:47:11 UTC
[ How about we not talk about them. He opens his mouth and is about to comment on the Chosen and Lloyd having once been here -- and the young Chosen girl as well, but he stops. Ah, that's right. Martel hadn't had the chance to meet them, right? He quiets, and then shakes his head. Still a bit tense, but nonetheless. ]

No, your younger brother and Kratos still haven't shown up. [ And perhaps that's just for the best, considering the dreams. The last thing he would need is either of them seeing, well, Anything ]


restorehope January 5 2010, 04:58:34 UTC
They haven't... [ :C miss them. ]

[ she starts moving forward, glancing around. ] said it was called Somarium, right? It's very lovely. [ at first, she seems to wobble a bit upon moving. still a bit shaky, sry-- ]


dissidentt January 5 2010, 05:06:51 UTC
[ Oh man, he sees that wobble, and that will evoke the first conviction-drenched statement thus far. ]

Martel -- ! [ ... Be careful. When he realizes she's just stumbling and not really falling or anything, just wobbling and the Dreamberry is playing tricks on his mind, he averts his gaze. It's so much to take in at once. ]


restorehope January 5 2010, 05:15:41 UTC
[ d-derp. while not as upset as the voice he had a few minutes ago, your surprise alarms Martel. ]

Yuan, what's the matter? [ she stops moving. :C I-IS THE FACT THAT WE'RE MOVING WORRYING YOU, BB ]


dissidentt January 5 2010, 05:17:48 UTC
[ YEAH. So stop moving okay. ]

It's nothing. You looked like you were going to fall. ... Be careful

[ The last bit is still audible, but it's noticeably quieter and spoken in a softer, more awkward tone. This is his fiance but still. It's been so long and just -- it's hard to believe this is real and not just another dream. ]


restorehope January 5 2010, 05:22:46 UTC
[ she looks at him and smiles softly after hearing the last bit. Even if he had really been here for six months, he was still the same man that she fell in love with. awww, cheesy. But true. Six months must have been a long time for him. :C ]

Yuan, are you staying somewhere, here?


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