goodnight moon.
the sky is soo beautiful in the springtime, when the sun is setting.
I'll stand
In the light
So you can count how many tears fall from my eyes
this time I'll be alright
my heart can't get any worse
.... [ starting line ]
Today was my last tests. It was fine. I came home and threw an ice cream party with my mom, and baked cookies because I was bored. then I stayed home tonight. watched some tv. I practiced the guitar in front of my dad and then he fell asleep. I wish people lived on my block and would hang out on their steps and I could jump rope in the streets. Im listening to my dashboard and starting line mix. My family is sleeping and the house is dark, the setting is perfect for being alone.
<3 danielle
ps. im on break now, yay
First best friend: kristin killeen
First car: um? haha
First date: I never went on a real date, with like me and another person going to like a movie and then they pay and walk you to your front door and peck you goodnight and tell you they had a lovely time and then take a knife out and STAB you! or.... haha
First real kiss: matthew donolon on saturday march 23 2002 when I was 15 at st. anthonys school at my first spring track meet... im a loser, want more details?? haha
First screen name: topazlily54!!
First self purchased album: pinkerton <3
First funeral: grandpa, and that was more like a show
First pet: winston... my SEA SNAIL!!!
First credit card: never had one
First true love: rivers cuomo [of weezer, duh..], matthew
First enemy: nicole, haha
First musician you remember hearing in your house: elton john
Last cigarette: : none
Last car Ride: I ran home saturday night
Last kiss: matthew
Last good cry: im a cryer
Last library book checked out: something by ray bradbury
Last movie seen: dawn of the dead..
Last beverage drank: diet pepsi
Last food consumed: strawberry ice cream
Last crush: <3matthew
Last time showered: last night
Last shoes worn: penny loafers
Last cd played: mix with sl and dc
Last item bought: sweatshirt from h&m
Last annoyance: my life
Last disappointment: a lot...
Last time wanting to die: ...
Last time scolded: uhhh..
Last shirt worn: purple bottom downn
Last website visited: livejouranl
Last word you said: "ughh"
Last song you sang: leaving by starting line
What is in your cd player?: dashboard
What color socks are you wearing? white
What Color of underwear are you wearing: whitee
What's under your bed?: a lot?
What time did you wake up today?: 6:00am