1. To be published. Hell, I don't even want to be "really published" or anything, I know it'd be self-publishing. But even for that, I need to, you know, write more. Finish projects. Focus.
2. For the Nerd Night comic to get up and running. I know we can make it happen, but my friends are slackers. And so am I. We need someone more motivated in our midst.
3. To drop twenty or thirty pounds. To have thinner thighs. To have abs of some sort. I know, exercise and fewer chili cheese fries, but. Exercise is not fun. And I have a cheese addiction.
4. a basket for my bike so I can haul groceries.
5. just some peace and quiet more often.
6. new coworkers who do not drive me up a wall.
7. To travel. I want to go to Sweden, and Italy, and Greece, and Australia, and Britain... Hopefully Sweden will be happening before the year is out, but unfortunately I am not some young heiress who can do a world tour.