1.) Reply to this post with the word UNICORN and I will pick six of your icons.
2.) Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3.) Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4.) This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.
5.) ???
6. Profit!
Ganked from
galaxyaway Transmetropolitan. It's my favourite comic book series, and Spider is my hero. His in your face ways, how unapologetic he is, his dedication to truth... This image is a note he left for his assistants. I just love his humour, and it's an icon I like to use when I'm in a bad mood I know will pass, or when I'm tired, or when I'm amused... Just generally a favourite icon.
Emo hobos is a term that comes from my second favourite webcomic, Questionable Content.
I call it a prediction of Ryan Ross' fashion sense. I figured something simple was best to convey how it is the most hilariously awesome trend ever. Plus it sounds funny because it has so many Os in it; I usually smile if I say it aloud. (O is a hilarious vowel. No, really. ...that may be because of my Minnesotan accent.)
I love toast. The summer that I got insanely skinny? I was living off of toast, apple juice, and granola bars. It's a wonderful anytime food of awesomeness. And making toast is an art. I also have a weird toaster fixation. I have no idea why, but I love toasters. And sort of collect them. Combined with my anything-but-secret love of pirates, well. Yes. And it says toast-napper because seriously, with the toast popped at that angle and the positioning of the toaster, it looks like the toaster is trying to run away to the left, taking the unwilling toast with it.
This is a line from a poem by John Robinson. I have a good sense of words when it comes to writing poetry, but I actually dislike reading it. Except his poems. He is amazing, and at one point I had a good dozen icons with text from his work. I've also used his lines as titles for fic. I just love it, because everyone I know has writing they do in their head that will never reach a page.
That's me. I'm fascinated by all sorts of enhanced humans, super humans, whatever. You know, cyborgs and mutant X-Men type abilities and the like. No, I do not have any tattoos; the barcode was just Sharpie. This was done when I was watching Dark Angel. (So many hot people on that show!)
I love Stephin Merritt. Like, despite the fact I never want to have children ever, I would offer to have his babies as long as he teaches them his way with words. (He's gay, so pretty sure they'd be turkey baster babies.) He's the best lyricist I know of, and I love all his bands. I didn't love the sound of his showtunes, but I did love the lyrics. This line is from one of those songs and the image is a much altered picture from the liner notes.