So. I can't mooch wifi off the neighbors anymore. What highspeed net is cheapest? (Shut up, I know I can search for myself but I am lazy.)
Fucking sucks!
I know, I'm such the intellectual today. Bite me, I've been barely sleeping. And I have 5 million tasks to do, I still haven't figured out how I feel about the rehab thing, and I am probably gonna freak out tonight over the whole no wifi to have Chris chatfic me to sleep. (Seriously, I may need Distracting. 303-589-8140. I just upped to unlimited texts and I never use all my minutes so make it worth my while.)
Can you tell I'm a little twitchy today? I know I can, but then, I am me. I'm experiencing the twitches. So fucking restless.
I need new work shoes, but I think when I go out with
sinuous_curve I am gonna buy toasters instead. Chris and I had an idea for a shitty short film, so I'm gonna try to do it. Maybe. (CANNIBAL TOASTERS! (FROM OUTER SPACE))
Kelly Marie - Feels Like I'm in LoveThis is the song that started my small collection of disco music on here. It's in the movie Imagine me & You, but I just fell in love. When I have disco days, this song is usually why.