Feb 12, 2008 13:53
Trev is getting worse. He was going to skip first period today because he didn't do his homework last night and didn't feel like dealing with the consequences. Apparently Corey and Trev got into it this morning after I went to class and Trev tried to say it was Corey's fault. Trev was upset because he got a rejection letter for one of his colleges because of his grades and also tried to pin that on us because there is no schedule in this house. Right. He never lets US know what he HAS to do in terms of band so we can never plan anything. Also in this long drawn our argument came to topic of money, jobs and responsibilities. He says Corey owes him money for taking me to school and that he shouldn't have to pay Corey back for gas for taking him to and from the airport several times when he went to see Jess because of the fact that he paid off more than half of the mortgage. He seems to conveniently forget all the times we carted his ass to the store or Concord or home from band functions or bought him stuff while we were out because he couldn't be bothered to go out himself. *grumbles* This kid really needs a attitude adjustment. Not that I know how to do that. He also thinks he's better than either of us because he has a job. *scoffs* If he ever had hours for said job, then maybe. However, he has managed to piss of the woman who does the scheduling so he hasn't had any hours since well before Christmas. I would have a job if there was a budget for tutoring this semester. Corey plows a few driveways, has an independent contract with a larger plow company for some commercial properties and has gone out for several interviews. As for responsibilities, this kid has none. We don't ask him to do trash, clean the bathroom, clean anything. He is just supposed to pick up after himself and help with the dishes when we make a family meal. He can't/won't even do that.
I haven't been able to sleep well and I really hate to pin it on the living situation. But that has gotten worse as has my sleep. I can not wait until I graduate, he graduates, Corey and I get married and I get a job. Then this whole nightmare will be over.