3 Days ago.....
uwaaa!!! i forgot to greet one person that i owe alot for V6 stuffs!!!!!!!!!!!!! arggg!!... *dumb*.. ehem..3-2-1 *gozen reji wo tsugitara..ichiban ni todoke you.. happy birthday^^ happy birthday^^ happy birthday^^ happy birthday..to you..*though it's late.sorry.. well... you know who u are^^. guess right okay?.. but at least i'd stop by on that post^^ hehe.. and while reading it... ahahaha!! i also try the quiz!! and LOL!! it's freaky!! and the result... ????
LJ Friends Meme by
coolerq • Morita Go is the one that you love. <--- uh-oh....na-ah.
• Nagano Hiroshi is one you like but can't work out. <---haaaayyy.. *perfect!* (^^)
• You care most about Miyake Ken. <--- kind a..yeah...about his health^^ haha!!
• Okada Junichi is the one who knows you very well. <--i wish...
• Inohara Yoshihiko is your lucky star. <--- then imagine Inocchi in the anime Lucky Star^^ LOL.!! XD
• Change the World is the song that matches with Morita Go. <------>
• Good Day! is the song for Nagano Hiroshi. <----- i love that dog.. on the pv ..is it his dog?
• Tsubasa no Sekkeizu is the song that tells you most about YOUR mind. < --- i love this one^^ but the rest are not true.. hehehe..
• and Dahlia is the song telling you how you feel about life. <---nah..okay fine..
THIS IS REALLY INSANE... i never send it to 10 pipz..haha!! ja...i'm hungry.. i need to go out now..so..--
"happy 18th!!"