Jan 06, 2010 20:39
I'm feeling slightly melancholic at the moment, so... meme-time! All are book-themed, and therefore awesome by definition.
The rules are: Using only books you have read in the last year (365 days, obviously, since we're barely over the threshold of ought-ten), answer these questions. Try not to repeat a book title. It’s a lot harder than you think!
Describe yourself: Garcon Manque ("Tomboy" is the translated English title)
How do you feel: The Laughing Corpse
Describe where you currently live: Dante's Inferno
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Neverwhere
Your favourite form of transportation: Peridido Street Station
Your best friend is: The Accidental Sorcerer
You and your friends are: The Ladies of Grace Adieu
What’s the weather like: Frozen Earth: The Once and Future Story
You fear: The High King's Tomb
What is the best advice you have to give: Speak
Thought for the day: Santa Olivia
How I would like to die: Wildfire: A Novel
My soul’s present condition: The Bloody Chamber
1) Science Fiction, Fantasy or Horror? Mostly fantasy, some sci-fi.
2) Urban fantasy or high fantasy? Urban, definately.
3) Standalone or Series? I think standalones usually make better books, unless of course they were penned by the fabulous Jacqueline Carey.
4) PTerry y/n ? N
5) How many of the HHGTTG books have you read? None.
6) Heinlein or Asimov? Haven't read these authors either...
7) Lewis or Tolkien? Lewis, although I could do without the heavy Christian allegory.
8) Verne or Wells? Wells.
9) Hard SF or Space Opera? Space Opera.
10) Golden Age SF or New Wave SF? No preference.
11) Favourite fantasy / sci-fi book of which nobody else has heard? Surprisingly few people have read Kushiel's Dart. Otherwise I would have to say... The Gone-Away World, perhaps? Or Darkfall by Isobelle Carmody.
1) What was the best book recommended to you this year?
Garcon Manque by Nina Bouraoui.
2) What was the best book you found by yourself this year?
Possibly Neverwhere. Although I'm not sure I can claim to have "found" it as such since I've been meaning to read it for years now...
3) Who was the best new author you discovered?
China Mieville.
4) Did you make any other interesting reading discoveries this year? A new bookstore, comfy place to sit and read, friend to share books with...?
Not really. Hummmmmm. That's somewhat disappointing.
5) Do you have a count of how many books you read?
No - but I found it so hard to dredge up the titles of the books I've read last year, I might just start keeping one.
6) What was the good/okay/awful ratio?
I started reading a LOT of books that were so terrible that I just gave up on them. But the good ratio was reasonably high too (especially at the end of the 2009) so I suppose that evened things out slightly.
7) Was there a particular theme to your reading? Did you begin the year knowing this would emerge?
I read a surprising amount of scientific, natural history type texts, and much more science fiction than usual. And, of course, heaps of fantasy.
8) What - if anything - will you change about your reading habits next year?
I want to somehow find the time to read more, and/or review more of the books I finish. Both of which are slightly unlikely...