OOC Information;
Name; Nic
Personal Journal;
SylverDymeIX@aol.comAIM: NocturneMelody13
Plurk: ThePumpkinQueen
Other Characters; N/A
IC Information;
Character Name; Spike
Buffy the Vampire SlayerCanon Point; Just after the end of the Spike mini series and before he returns in Season 8
Age; 131
House; Thor
Power; Strength
Honor and loyalty: Whether it was when he didn’t have a soul, or after he fought to get one, Spike has often displayed a strong sense of honor and loyalty. Throughout canon this was shown in various ways, such as when he endured torture at the hands of Glory rather than reveal Dawn's identity as the Key, when he continued to aid the Scooby Gang after Buffy's death while helping Willow and Tara take care of Dawn, and when he kept his promise to leave Sunnydale after helping Buffy stop Angelus. His loyalties lie in the same place as his passions, which is more often than not the woman he loves.
Romantic at heart: To expand on passion and loyalty being closely linked, Spike is a romantic at heart. He loves deeply and puts all of himself into romantic pursuits or relationships. He would do absolutely anything to make the woman he loves happy. At times he can be selectively blind to certain things, such as when he refused to acknowledge that Drusilla was cheating on him. The way he feels towards someone can at times be so strong that it borders on obsession-or simply is obsession, such as in Buffy’s case. Though he honestly does love her, even if she doesn’t return his feelings.
The poet: Spike has retained some of his literary intellect from his human life, sometimes referencing poetry, songs, and literature. On occasion he even waxes poetic on the nature of love and life (and unlife) as being driven by blood, reasoning that blood is more powerful than any supernatural force because it is what separates the living from the dead. To this day even, he continues to write poetry, though he would never let anyone else read them as he still considers himself an awful poet.
Violence: One of Spike's most notable personality traits is his lust for violence. He also has a love of brawling, which makes him somewhat of a thrill-seeker. He has mentioned that he finds the very act of violence to be therapeutic. Once, he responded to a lackey's incompetence by snapping the neck of a hostage that he considered to be "too old to eat" and noted that he felt better afterward. During his drunken pining for Drusilla, he noted that getting pent-up aggression out of his system by staking and driving off several vampires "put things in perspective for him". After a prolonged period of being unable to bite or hurt humans, when the Initiative put a chip in his brain (which was later removed), Spike was delighted to discover that he was able to fight demons and gladly accompanied the Scooby Gang on patrol, proving that it doesn’t really matter to him what he’s fighting for so long as he can fight.
Sarcasm and intelligence: Spike has a sarcastic sense of humor. A polar opposite to his callow and simpering human nature, Spike, as a vampire, possesses a swaggering posture and enjoys living by nobody's rules except for his own. He has a habit of making pithy remarks and glib insults, even toward the few he does not view as antagonists. Among his favorite targets are Angel, Xander, Giles, and (to a lesser extent) Buffy. Spike often nicknames people, both as insults and as terms of endearment. Also, Spike is highly intelligent. He has displayed excellent skills of insight and analysis, particularly on relationships-though only ones he’s not involved in.
Soul: Spike's personality remains relatively the same whether he has a soul or not, as was shown when he temporarily lost his soul because of John and thus briefly gave it to Drusilla. He also has complete respect for human life to the extent that he was unwilling to sacrifice thousands of innocent people just to save Fred and was horrified when Illyria killed Jeremy to help him defeat Non.
Food and pop culture: Spike has a taste for human food and drink, such as beer, hot chocolate, and onion blossoms. He also smokes cigarettes, which he lights with a trademark silver Zippo lighter. He appears to be a fan of pop culture; when held captive by the Scooby Gang, his biggest concern is missing his favorite soap opera, Passions. He makes references to movies and shows such as Star Trek, Star Wars, Ghostbusters, and The Nightmare Before Christmas.