Dec 01, 2004 21:46

ive come to a conclusion that my life is a joke perfect!! no life isnt a joke im the joke. things havent been so great but when have they been if they are good they last for a day or two and than disappear just how everyone vanishes from me.im not happy nor will i ever be if i am happy it last 25 minutes in this band carthage i dont know we play like 6 songs i have a good time thats the only time im happy and if not its either if im drunk or getting high. yeah pathetic huh? yeah so i havent been going to school once again is that a surprise no cuz im a loser. things suck i hate living here in this house where everyone hates me , i hate living life where everyone hates me and i hate them. living is a joke and its getting worse every single day.yeah oj go see a therapist so i went to a new one a bout a week ago the guy was the biggest joke . its like been there done that. everything is getting worse. oh things will change yeah fuck you your theb iggest liar things will change in the worst way not for good they never do.

so if its not playing in my band, getting high or being in love or being close with someone who is sincere to me than life sucks becasue everyone lies in life and lies hurt people therefore ive hurt many people and people have hurt me. i just cant stand it anymore. ive been running from reality in years and reality is im sad depressed lonlely loser who will always be like this. people reading this prob like wow this kids pathetic and just cries all the time well hmm try being inmy shoes yeah i know alot more people have it worst than me but does it actually seem to care when im down in the dumps and im about to have sketch thoughts in my mind about living and what am i going to do with my life.

it all comes down to it im not going to do anything in life
im going to be the loser i always will be

alone , afraid, scared and sad

what else is new??

friends are changing, im changing

whats the point??? it just gets sadder and sadder this is just a dramatic movie never gonna stop until i do something about which is leave this world behind not saying im gonna do it but sure i feel useless,helpless and hopeless. prob the worst ive ever felt. i slept all day today its now almost 10pm hmm does that say something oh the kid sleeps all day hes so healthy yeah well im not. im never going to be and im never going to be happy. like i said happiness last so long and when it does its the best feeling . in all my 19 years of living ic an stay ive prob been happy at least 5 times examples.

1st time i got high
1st time i saw green day
1st time i played in a band
1st time i fell in love
1st time i realized i wasnt alone ( but i am)

amesbury is a waste im awaste everythigns a waste

i go to school or when i do see people and its like how can you act like this im nothing like this its retarded. i dont htink people no how hard for me it is to go to school for me to enter in that building i hate it so much and i hate life so much and most of all i really just cant stand myself

truth hurts reality sucks fuck life...
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