Twenty-third Song || Video/Action

Oct 17, 2010 21:33


[ What normally would have taken 2-3 days has taken four instead, and Rise is significantly more exhausted-looking and mussed up than she was when she first set off on this venture. Speed-hopping from an Onix until she got her Bellossom out probably didn't help, but hey. It looks like she's close to getting out of the cave! ... So she can go back into it again, but pft details. At the moment, she's just hobbling. ]

Um, if anyone's in New Bark Town, there's a little girl there named Nanako. Her cousin and a few of my friends are coming for her, so if someone could keep an eye on her until then, that'd be great. She's a really sweet girl, and-- huh?

[ Rise stops suddenly, seemingly distracted by something, and you may wonder what it is, since you just see her eyes glance off-screen. It turns out to be one sleeping Square rescue team + Pokémon, though Rise's a little alarmed at suddenly stumbling across a bunch of bodies. ]

H-hey, are you o-- wait, is that V-- and a bear?!

[ Well, NOW something stirs from around this weird cluster, and that something turns out to be an Onix. An Onix who immediately lets out a happy "GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIX" and SURGES FORWARD TO GREET HER TRAINER.

Have you ever heard an idol verbally keysmash? It's quite a beautiful, melodious sound, and it goes a little something like this: ]


[ getting tackled by something small and furry is fine. Getting tackled by something weighing over four hundred pounds and MADE OF ROCK is something Rise can do very well without, something she will quite literally put her (injured) foot down in order to avoid.

The next three minutes is a veritable cacophony of an Ampharos trying to do damage control while holding the Gear Rise dropped, an Onix who is like a giant enthusiastic puppy that belatedly remembered that her trainer is not so tough, and Rise yelping and hopping like a pogostick in an attempt to stay upright.

Sorry, guys. Hope you weren't trying to sleep. ]

C-Crystal!! Calm down, I'm-- ow ow ow ow-- Sit! Sit, girl!!

[ ... miraculously, the Onix lowers herself into as much of a sit as a rock snake can, dropping her giant head to gently nudge the girl. Rise leans a bit on the muzzle for balance, nearly in tears, and not just because she's been reunited with her Pokémon. After a moment, she straightens up as best as she can, and looks at the screen with a "Well, that could have gone better" expression. Perhaps a bit of "OW". ]

S-so... hey, I think Ven and the others caught up.

oh onix no, union cave, ow ow ow ow ow, why are there bodies, on the road again, oh the pokemanity, this will sting a bit, reunion get

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