Twentieth Song || Video/Action- forward-dated to Saturday afternoon

Sep 25, 2010 01:56

[ What's going in Azalea? Well, if you're IN Azalea or checking your PokéGear (one of them being used by someone's Pokémon to capture this), there are two pigtailed girls who have drawn a small crowd. You may recognize them as Rise and Yayoi, but what are they doing...? Besides standing on a platform they may have borrowed from somewhere. ]

... Here we go!

[Wearing a frilly orange outfit and all but bouncing on her heels in nervous expectation, the younger girl suddenly bounds forward.] Everyone! Good afternoon!! I hope everyone's doing okay! What with what happened last week and everything...

[Yayoi looks back up and gives the audience a brilliant smile.] I don't know how much help we'll be, but- it's an idol's job to give everyone lots of energy, so we're holding a performance right here in Azalea! I'm Yayoi Takatsuki from 765 Productions, and this is Rise Kujikawa, and we're "Rise and Yayoi's Idol Duet Unit"!! [She raises her hand in a 'high-five' position.] YAY~!!

[ Rise's expression temporarily takes on a hint of "Well, the name doesn't REALLY matter" resignation, but then her smile lights up her face and she waves to the audience with both hands. Like Yayoi, she's wearing something similar, with gold accents ] Yayoi-chan and I gave it a lot of thought, and you know, everyone's been through a lot of rough stuff... and like she said, it's our job and our pleasure to do whatever we can to bring your spirits up. Even if it's just a little, we want to see your beautiful smiles!

So tune your radios to-- [ she pauses and glances to the side, mouthing something curiously. Then she brightens. ] 96.3! Now, I know you can't get a whole concert done in a week, so it's just one song tonight, but if you like us enough, maybe we can work something out in Goldenrod. The lyrics and choreography were worked out between the two of us, so get ready, Johto! We're going to sing our hearts out for you, so please... let us do this much for all of our friends, for the ones we've known, the ones we've met here, and the ones we'll meet in our future. For everyone. Thank you for all you've done.

[ she does a little pose and a wink, and then nods over to Yayoi. ] Let's show them what we've got, Yayoi-chan!

[Yayoi nods back, looking determined.] Right! [For a brief moment, she nods to some unheard beat, takes a deep breath, and then-]

Uu-uuu~! Guitar solo, come on~!!

[ In perfect timing with the lyricless song on the radio starting up (there's an amplified version playing in Azalea to drown out the GD BACKGROUND MUSIC), both girls launch into a hopeful, upbeat, just plain sweet song, complete with choreographed dancing and energetic... well, everything. They've definitely thrown themselves into this little performance, and it's enough to draw in more curious bystanders until the song ends with a flourish.

Rise's smile has never been more radiant. Finally, as idols, they could do what they were best at. She steps forward to wave at the crowd again, waiting until the cheering has quieted down. ]

Thank you so much, everybody! You've been the best audience a girl could ask for, and we hope we'll be able to sing for you again sometime!

((ooc: All replies will be after their performance.))

pigtail power, listen to my song!!, when idols unite, did this just become disney, cheer up emo kids, idol duet unit?

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