Fifty-ninth Song | Video/Action for Golden/anywhere/idek/YAY FOURTH WALL

Dec 11, 2011 11:02

You know... [ a considering pause as Rise tilts her head, before she sighs. From the looks of it, she's in the department store. ]

I'm beginning to think I should've waited on the whole holiday shopping thing. I could've sworn I saw a skeleton this morning...

[ yes, Rise, that was your housemate. ]

Anyway! I think I'll head back after-- [ she never quite finishes her sentence, because she stumbles over something unseen (that would be her antsy death Furret), and with a bit of a hop and a startled noise, she reaches out to brace herself on a nearby large-screen TV.

Of course, this also means she's dropping the 'gear, but right before the feed ends, you just might see her arm go into the screen with no resistance whatsoever. ]

when in doubt use the tv, personaaaa, all the what, fourth wall, goldenrod, there's no midnight channel here, oh no i'm falling, oh the pokemanity, whyyyy

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