Thirty-fourth Song || Video/Action in Goldenrod

Dec 30, 2010 17:36

[ Text to the Investigation Team ]

is neone w/nanako-chan yet? u guys better be ok too!! let me know asap

[ /Text ]

[ Though she's pretty much been inside for the past two weeks, Rise's out now and is in a much genuinely cheerier mood for it. Nanako's back, Ven's awake, boom-de-yada, boom-de-yada. She's also decked out in a warm pink jacket, cherry blossom hair ties, and leggings, making her way along with an unmarked white box and Pokégear in one hand and an egg in the other. Errands to run, people to see flaming unicorns to hug and spoil rotten ]

Wow... it's a beautiful day today, isn't it? Even if it is still freezing. And just in time for New Year's, too! I know they probably don't have shrines or temples here like they do back home, but it still feels like I should do something for it. And I even have a kimono now, too. Well--

[ she's interrupted by her egg deciding that it can't miss out on New Year festivities, and with a few sharp shakes, it suddenly explodes into light. And what comes out of it? One of those pretty Absol creatures? Something soft and fluffy?

Why, yes. There is a pink baby sea slug now looking at Rise adoringly as though she parts oceans and blasts Ursaring on a daily basis. In return, Rise-- shrieks, not having expected something slimy, and instinctively drops the baby Shellos.

Thankfully, before Baby Slug can hit the ground and this becomes a Bad End, the idol recovers enough to drop her things and dive for it again. But patches of ice have become somewhat common today, and her foot becomes acquainted with it, sending Rise skidding, toppling over, and winding up flat on her back with the Shellos in her hands making happy noises like THIS IS THE BEST RIDE EVER. Rise's currently deciding that every time she has to dive for something, it NEVER ENDS WELL.

Because the gear is lying on the ground and only offering partial glimpses of this spectacle, video viewers will miss Rise's current expression of WHY DO I HAVE A BABY SLUG and OW, but they WILL hear-- ]

P-please stop sliming on me.

baby slug loves you yeah, slugs in eggs, stop swan-diving rise, idols on ice, goldenrod, not as planned, a girl and her monsters, ow ow ow ow ow, how do i baby, this will sting a bit, whyyyy

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