voice/action if you're pro at finding idols - forward-dated to Wednesday afternoon

Nov 24, 2010 03:18

[ Rise's voice is steady, calm. There's not even a hint of wavering, she's just got something to say, something that totally doesn't depress her because she's a mature young woman who can handle this. Really. ]

Neku's gone. I've been looking for him everywhere, but I can't even get a signal from his 'gear. And when I asked at the Pokémon Center, they just gave me... um, Fish.

[ a pause, and then the tone turns lilting, almost teasing. Just from the sound of it, you'd think she was her usual cheery self.

There's a good reason why this is voice, though. ]

He probably thought Chie-senpai'd be coming back soon, and he had to get out of there before she showed up and kicked him for being so mopey. But gee, did he really have to make me babysit his Quagsire? I might have to kick him myself when I see him again!

[ another pause. ]

Beat... anyone else who knew him, the rest of his Pokémon are at the Center if you want to take care of them. I'll just...

[ ... was that a sniffle? ]

I-I'll be in later, guys!

((ooc: pfft sorry for posting again so soon, but this is more of a PSA for Neku being gone, since he and Rise were good buddies. Responses will be short unless you want her bawwing like the sap she is. She'll actually be BEHIND Sprout Tower if you look for her, so she won't be that easy to spot; she'd prefer it that way. Also keeping company with a Quagsire.))

ronery, idol being idle, no emo kid to hug now, derpsire, violet, rip neku-- wait, the legacy lives on

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