daily twits

May 12, 2009 01:03

  • 08:37 Morning ladies and gentleman, with half the world on leave, another half havin their off in lieu. WTF am i out at work? #
  • 15:21 Nothing like a massage on a rainy afternoon. Work hard, play hard and spa even harder! (via @AliceinSG) I'm jealous. Hate you. #
  • 15:29 Grumpy Blue Monday running around without lunch. yfrog.com/72xt6j #
  • 15:33 RT Aware Tshirts got a one-pager feature in 8 Days! #awaresg (via @bionic_creative) the person behind the story @miffyspiffy is on twitter #
  • 19:18 i wonder if my fellow tweeters on the follow list have facebook account? #
  • 19:29 @ TonyYelchin "Saturn does have a magnetic field but it comes from the planet itself and not the rings" Chekov was only 17, after all :D heh #
  • 19:45 Will some one buy me the chair please?!? Capt. Kirk's command chair for $2200 bit.ly/H9ozG #
  • 20:01 Dinner here I come! yfrog.com/41s5tj #
  • 20:41 Dear doctor, I need serious help. I can't stop refreshing my tweetie. I'm addicted to da tweets I'm following. #
  • 21:08 @ scissorsista7 @miffyspiffy we'll meet at Honglim 4.30 Saturday. We will bring alcohol! What food you looking at? #pinkdot #
  • 21:12 @ bionic_creative hmm when will we get the tees. #
  • 21:29 @ bionic_creative ty ty. Excited hee #
  • 21:31 Omfg. The DJ on 933fm pronounced Iraq as 'I Rack' LOL. #
  • 22:42 @ purplo which server you at? come to Frostmourne!!! #
  • 00:19 @ TonyYelchin twitpic.com/4zga9 - awww so cute... #
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