What a summer this has been! It's been full of me doing everything but working on my fics. Now it's fall, wich means less yard work, less fire conventions, and a bit less work. (I'd been filling in for other people that were on vacation.)
So, what have I done?
I finally finished the
hproundrobin chapter I've been sitting on. I've sent that to my beta, and it should be posted in the next day or two.
I really have been working on the next chapter for "Thank You Lord Voldemort" and it is about halfway finished. And, I never realized that when I posted chapter 25 that I never posted it to
The Silver Snitch, so I just posted it there.
Here is a link to "Thank You Lord Voldemort" at The Silver Snitch. For those of you that don't know, that is the NC17 version of my story.