May 20, 2004 11:22
so prom is tommorrow. i cant even freakin' believe it! the biggest dance in my high school career is like 30 hours away. no way. its just insane. i'm excited though, we're gonna look so pretty. *:)
everyone looks so nice dressed up in their little tuxedos & dresses. i'm going to take so many pictures its not even funny. four cameras i'm thinkin' should be enough. 96 pictures for like 10 hours. we can do that. maybe i'll take five just to be safe. or six. ahh i'll just record it. lol, i'm a nut. but its okay; i'm excited. just not to walk. dont wanna walk around cuz i'm afraid i'll fall. that would be a bad situation.
but yesterday rashad got our little flower things & he's going to get his tux today after his district track banquet. i hope everything fits alright. he never saw my dress so we'll just have to see. but nevertheless; we're taking pictures @ my house tommorrow as soon as he gets here. well he's going to have to shower first cuz he'll have just gotten done running track. he might not have to run, cuz alot of the people have plans. he has prom & three other people are going on the trip to hershey -- so he said ms. hill ( track coach ) might not take them. but i'm not sure. i'm hoping not! cuz that would make everything so much easier.
but anyway. i'll make sure to post pictures when i get them back. i actually need to develop pictures that i took a while ago @ bryan's house & cuz i have some from this past weekend on there too. oh the memories. love the friends.
but i'm going to go & actually work for the 15 minutes that are left. quick favor though; if you're going to comment about how my boyfriend is cheating on me & fucking other girls & doesnt love me -- leave your name next time, okay? cuz its fun to be all big & bad on the internet & not leave your name. thank you *:)