Hi, it is me again. I actually finised these two right after I posted the last layout but I didn't have any chance to post it until today! At the bottom, there will be the reason why I didn't have much free time this week. Enjoy these two! Comments are appreciated, even if I don't reply back (lack of time mostly), I really love all of them.
**click on the image for larger preview.
Vivamus imperdiet. Etiam mauris lectus, aliquam non, auctor vel, ultrices at, sapien. Morbi enim ligula, eleifend non, eleifend nec, convallis at, eros. Vivamus mollis. Maecenas porta consectetuer felis. Aenean vestibulum elit eu quam. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi nonummy. Vestibulum vel metus quis urna varius malesuada.
| Aenean sit amet elit quis metus accumsan tristique. Praesent lobortis. Nam commodo porta nibh. Phasellus dictum est sit amet elit tristique mollis. Praesent ac metus. Donec nec elit. Phasellus tempor diam ac ante. Vestibulum viverra. Morbi consectetuer pede et nibh. Morbi est. Vestibulum fringilla, odio non egestas pulvinar, lectus ligula sodales dui, dapibus ultrices erat ipsum nec mi. |
**click on the image for larger preview.
A B O U T ♥ M E
| Aenean sit amet elit quis metus accumsan tristique. Praesent lobortis. Nam commodo porta nibh. Phasellus dictum est sit amet elit tristique mollis. Praesent ac metus. Donec nec elit. Phasellus tempor diam ac ante. Vestibulum viverra. Morbi consectetuer pede et nibh. Morbi est. Vestibulum fringilla, odio non egestas pulvinar, lectus ligula sodales dui, dapibus ultrices erat ipsum nec mi.
Aenean sit amet elit quis metus accumsan tristique. Praesent lobortis. Nam commodo porta nibh. Phasellus dictum est sit amet elit tristique mollis. Praesent ac metus. Donec nec elit. Phasellus tempor diam ac ante. Vestibulum viverra. Morbi consectetuer pede et nibh. Morbi est. Vestibulum fringilla, odio non egestas pulvinar, lectus ligula sodales dui, dapibus ultrices erat ipsum nec mi. Aenean sit amet elit quis metus accumsan tristique. Praesent lobortis. Nam commodo porta nibh. Phasellus dictum est sit amet elit tristique mollis. Praesent ac metus. Donec nec elit. Phasellus tempor diam ac ante. Vestibulum viverra. Morbi consectetuer pede et nibh. Morbi est. Vestibulum fringilla, odio non egestas pulvinar, lectus ligula sodales dui, dapibus ultrices erat ipsum nec mi.
http://resplandor.livejournal.com">profile codes + link one + link two + link three + link four |
1. Go to your manage profile page.
2. Copy the code into the Bio section, make sure there aren't blank spaces left or the table could look messed up.
3. Edit as you want, you can do minor and major alterations to the codes as long as you still credit me. Just keep in mind that if you're editing the table itself, not only the text and color you do it on your risk. I will not fix errors you may get after messing with the HTML codes if you don't have enough knowledge to edit it. (Note: I will still reply to doubts you may have if you messed up, tough)
3. Press the 'Save Changes' button at the bottom of the page. Feel free to edit the links, but don't remove the profile credit.
-Editing the colors, messing with the table, etc., is allowed, just remember that I'm not an HTML resource and before you ask any questions because you messed up try to figure out yourself, I highly recommend this site:
HTML Tables for helpful tutorials.
-Please DO NOT remove the credit from the profile links.
Since I still don't have an open section for Profile Codes on the FAQ, I'll be replying to any question you may have about it. So, any doubts, questions, ect. Ask away.
Now on a side note, here's a little project me and a friend are currently working on and we can't wait to see it grow big!
Check this community! I know most of you are icon makers and it would be awesome to have picture posting there. Besides, this is a little secret but there will be a special feature I won't reveal until you join and if you like indie music, then you will love this feature I'm talking about!
That's all for now :]