This weekend, I did something that might sound a little crazy in theory to some people - I attended three concerts in a row played by the same band. I knew, though, when we decided to go to three of the band's six shows in Toronto, that there was no danger of overdosing. I could easily go to all six.
Moxy Fruvous, with their humour, earnestness, and political idealism steeped in Canadiana, were the band of my youth, and BNL took over to become the band of my late teens, but this weekend has confirmed that Stars are the band of my 20s. They manage to capture a little bit of everything that makes life what it is, especially in the years when you're leaving young adulthood behind and beginning to feel the grasp of Real Life - a bit of pain, a bit of heartbreak, a bit of birth and a bit of death; hatred at its fiercest, idealism at its strongest and lashings of love and beauty, all wrapped up in the power to believe that the world is a good place despite everything that tries to drag it down. It is music that makes you feel and music that brings you a little closer to Truth; it's an ear-to-ear grin and a bursting heart all in one. It is intelligent; it is beautiful; it is made by people who love each other and their music so much that you can't help by love along with them.
I will write up a proper recap once Winter Break begins and I have time to put it all into words, but for now, a few preview pictures...
Torq and Amy - the essence of Stars.
Torquil laffing. CUTE!!! <3
Torq lights a sparkler on stage.
Torq lighting sparklers, with flash.
Torq sings with a sparkler in hand.
Evan Cranley is PURE CLASS!
"Evan doesn't like to rock 'n' roll without a dead animal on his back!"
Torq and Amy, dressed up at the evening show.