Two quick things! First, tonight's Studio 60 ep was adorable, although not one of my favourites so far. The rapidfire Sorkin dialogue was definitely flying at full speed tonight, but the important things were that a) Tom was wearing a tie and looking like a schoolboy, CUUUUUUUTE!, b) Tom talked about East German figure skaters, which I think I'll take as a roundabout shout out, and c) Simon called Harriet his little sister, which is super cute, because obviously, obviously, Tom is his lover little brother. And Matt, Danny and Jordan were pretty adorable tonight, too. "Is he in therapy?" "Nah, he's got me." CUTE!!
I love this show.
And... uh... because I love this show, I seem to have written some haphazard Studio 60 fic. I wrote it totally by accident in about ten minutes without thinking about it, but if you want to read it, it's