~Hunter and Smoker - Quick Info

Jun 08, 2010 03:55


man it's weird to try and compile all these random details into one place. I never gave these two names so they're just Hunter and Smoker to me.

Hunter's an asian girl who is a big Parkour enthusiast. She mostly runs with a group of guys who tease each other constantly, which consequently became her default way of interacting with others. She considers her Parkour group kind of like her family, and most of her outside life revolves around them.

Hunter's brave and very confident, and refuses to back down from a fight. She's gotten into more than her fair share of scrapes and most of the time, she ends up on top. Even when she doesn't, she's hardy and resilient and takes most injuries with ease. She's extremely active and loves exercising and any sort of a challenge. When bored she'll usually try to climb anything around her.

She loves cats and terrible music (ironically, she claims), spends more time on the internet and is nerdier than she tends to let on, and has a hard time taking things or people very seriously. She has no concept of personal space, and as such tends to lean on people or climb on top of them without asking their permission. She can be a bit self-centered, in that at times she has trouble understanding other people if they don't fit in with how she understands the world, and particularly if they don't make any sense to her. She's bisexual, although only one of her Parkour friends knows this (Jordan).

She's kind of stupid about her feelings and the feelings of others sometimes, and isn't exactly the most empathetic person. She won't talk about how she really feels about something easily (particularly if how she feels is somehow embarrassing or complicated), and she doesn't like listening to other people talking about that kind of thing either. If she can't tease or joke her way out of it, she tends to feel trapped and avoidant. Honest displays of emotion make her very uncomfortable. She feels better if everything's a joke. When confronted with unpleasant feelings, she tends to lie or joke around them, or deny them, and on occasion just filters them down into unfocused anger to make them easier to understand and deal with. She very rarely cries, as her friends wouldn't let her hear the end of it. She's more likely to deal with complicated emotions by punching walls or picking fights.

She is an absolutely terrible cook, although a voracious eater, and knows almost nothing about cards. The camo pants she wears are torn at the bottom since she found them at Goodwill and they were too long on her originally, so she made them shorter. She's sort of bottom heavy, with very thick thighs and legs. She believes that she is at heart, invincible. Bad things won't happen to her, and even if they do, she can handle it.

She's tough and prides herself on being that way. She has a tendency to take insane risks at times just to prove that she can. She's injured herself more ways than she can count but always bounces back. She spends most of her time running or hanging out with her friends when she isn't pestering Smoker.

She and Smoker met when she accidentally crashed through Smoker's window while running around outside her building. Smoker insisted she pay her back for the window, and since she bantered back and forth with her in an interesting way, Hunter was intrigued. She came back and kept pestering her, and Smoker kept playing along, and eventually the two of them became close friends who tease each other constantly. She likes trying to get her to smile or laugh, and takes cheering her up after a bad day as a personal challenge.

She feels kind of protective over Smoker since she's in poorer health, although she wouldn't tell her that. She often tries to get her to eat better or exercise or quit smoking, mostly without success. She usually comes in through Smoker's window, and often comes to her for help or comfort after being hurt in a fight or something. She cares about her a LOT, although whether they ever end up in a romantic relationship is up to you really. Not that that means that they stop teasing each other about everything.

Hunter never believed that she OR her Parkour friends would ever get sick when the Green Flu broke out. Unfortunately, this turned out not to be the case. Hunter was attacked and bitten by one of her friends, and then when she went to Smoker for help, she turned and bit her too.

As a zombie, Hunter is much like her in-game counterpart. She stalks and kills survivors without remorse. She can't speak aside from growls and screams, has limited fine motor skills, has difficulties with complicated ideas or situations, and has no memory of her old life. All that matters to her is killing and infecting others.
Also like in-game Hunters, she's often seen with Smoker somewhere nearby. The two of them work together as partners only out of convenience. Higher emotions and complex thoughts are beyond her. However, as barely sentient as she is, at times there are hints that she may subconsciously remember a few things about her old life, or at least, the relationship she used to have with her. She is still, however, a bloodthirsty zombie, and her number one priority at all times is killing and staying alive to kill some more.

As a Survivor, Hunter gravitates towards melee weapons, and tends to leap right into the fray, which often leads to her being the most heavily injured. She's used to that kind of thing though from her old life, and she rebounds back from injuries quickly. She's still protective of Smoker, and often tries to keep an eye on her when things go down. She likes using her Parkour skills to try and find ways up and around zombie hordes or blockades, although she's usually the only one who can use them. Her reconnaissance can be very useful to her teammates regardless.

She is terrified of other infected Hunters, since they remind her of her old friends, most of which she had to kill when they became infected. Their growls and screams can send her into something of a panic attack if no one else is around, and she has a bad tendency to hesitate before killing them. Her team is aware of this and usually tries to compensate for her, but it is a definite weakness of hers and a source of much frustration. Hunter does not like thinking of herself as having weaknesses, and considers herself one of the strongest members of their team, along with Charger. In her mind, she shouldn't have any weaknesses. As such, her team usually does not mention her borderline phobia outloud while she's around. They compensate for it silently.

Hunter is very fond of Jockey and thinks of her as something like a little sister. While Jockey hurts her with talk of her old friends being alive, she's aware that she can't deal with things any other way, and tries not to hold it against her. She'll often defend Jockey when Smoker starts insulting her, and will try to redirect her if she thinks she's going on a bad tangent. Her lack of physical space also means she is one of the few among their team who will gladly return Jockey's hugs, or hug her if she needs it. She tries to keep an eye on her if she can, and feels like she can understand her a bit more than the others.
While Hunter initially teased Charger to see if she was >:| in the same way as Smoker, Charger's refusal to respond eventually ended up in her mostly giving up and teasing Smoker instead. Charger's knowledge of guns (even though she doesn't really use them) and quiet confidence is sort of comforting to her, and she readily trusts her to know what she's doing. That doesn't mean that she always listens to her, however. Sometimes Charger's just too careful, you know? Fortunately Hunter's usually able to get herself out of any binds she gets herself into though.
She has a lot of respect for Charger, and cares a lot about her. She believes that Charger, like herself and the rest of their team, is invincible, and that nothing can ever take her down. She's aware that Charger hurts more than she lets on, but doesn't know what to do about it a lot of the time other than redirect Jockey to do something else. She's not good at the heart to heart thing. But she tries to look out or her emotionally, just as Charger looks out for them physically.

Smoker's an older white woman who prefers to keep her distance from everyone. She has no friends aside from Hunter, and she likes it that way. She is a determined loner and is mostly uninterested in other people.

Smoker is confident, in a way where she doesn't really care about what anyone else thinks about her. She ignores insults or inflammatory comments for the most part - other people aren't worth engaging with. In spite of this, Smoker has a definite angry streak in her, and she'll readily seethe and hold grudges. She tends to react to stress with anger/resentment, and her determination and drive in a bad situation mostly comes from rage. She usually keeps it under control until she has a safe place to vent - her apartment for the most part, mostly alone but sometimes when Hunter's around as well.

She tends towards old and shabby clothes, most of them big or loose on her. She has a particular fondness for flannel and big boots. She also likes jewelry, although she normally only wears her blue necklace. Her ears are pierced, but she rarely wears earrings since they get caught in her hair.

She smokes like a chimney and is very tall and thin. These add up to her being in poor health for the most part - she has trouble with stairs or any kind of strenuous physical activity. She hates being active and prefers to stay at home. She can get a bit suspicious about authority figures, and doesn't trust the government or the news to really tell anyone anything. It's not quite into conspiracy theory territory, but she's a little paranoid.

She doesn't want to care about other people, and sometimes hates the fact that she does anyway. Most of the time she wants to be alone, but she can work with others if she has to. She rarely asks for help with anything, and resents most people that try to take care of her.

She's a good cook, although everything she makes tends to be rather rich and a bit intense, knows a few card tricks, and she loves old musicals. She knows the lyrics to far more songs than she'd ever admit. She's also a huge lightweight where alcohol is concerned and gets drunk very easily. As a result she tends to avoid drinking. When she isn't listening to showtunes, she likes classic rock and is a big fan of the Midnight Riders.

She has a somewhat acerbic sense of humor and a definite sarcastic streak. She also peppers her speech with old or outdated slang. This is a conscious decision on her part - in periods of intense stress she'll sometimes forget and go back to more contemporary swearing, but for the most part she prefers to use old or anachronistic terms for things.

Smoker can be blunt, brutally honest, and insensitive. She's not afraid to state her opinion about something, particularly if she doesn't like it. Like Hunter, she can also be rather stupid about her emotions, and also believes that she's invincible and that truly bad things won't happen to her (for example, she'll never get cancer even though she smokes constantly). Her voice is rough and a bit deep from all the cigarettes. She firmly believes she's straight. She feels more than a little conflicted about this if she's in a relationship with Hunter, as you can guess.

While at first she found Hunter annoying, it was interesting having someone else to verbally spar with that had a sense of humor similar to her own. Smoker gradually got used to Hunter coming around, feeding her, bickering with her, and then before she knew it, she'd grown to expect her to come around and that by most definitions the two of them were now friends. Smoker wasn't looking for a friend, but it seemed too late to fight it now. While she still outwardly acts like she finds Hunter irritating beyond belief and they tease each other constantly, she likes having her around and cares about her more than she'd ever admit, sometimes even to herself.

Hunter's the only person in Smoker's world for the most part, and the only person that really matters to her. Hunter comes above all else. She'd never tell her that though.

When Hunter came to her and told her she'd been bitten, Smoker took her in because she was sure that she could fix it and that they'd be okay. There was no way that Hunter could be infected. Unfortunately, she was wrong, and Hunter attacked and nearly killed her. She survived (perhaps unfortunately) as a Smoker.

As a zombie, Smoker behaves much like her in-game counterparts. She keeps her distance from survivors, staying far away so she can drag them off to their deaths without them seeing her. She kills without remorse. Like Hunter, fine motor skills are beyond her, and she has trouble with complex concepts. She's surrounded by a cloud of smoke and spores most of the time and constantly coughs and gags, and her anger in her previous life tends to manifest through harsh screams and screeches when she sees survivors. She can't speak and remembers nothing about her old life.

Like other Smokers, she has a limp when she walks and has difficulty bending her knees. She often works with Hunter to bring down Survivors, although this is more out of convenience than any kind of affection. They do work quite hard to keep each other alive though...

As a Survivor, Smoker tends towards sniper rifles so she can keep her distance from zombies. In combat she tends to stand back and watch what the others are doing, focusing most of her attention on sniping threats that they can't see rather than what's around her. She is very determined to survive the zombie apocalypse with Hunter, and will do whatever she has to to do that.

Smoker thinks Jockey is one of the most annoying people on earth, and her general instability makes her suspicious of her at first, since she could possibly go nuts and kill them all. Eventually she accepts the fact that she's there to stay, and while she still finds her incredibly annoying, she's less worried that she'll snap and kill everyone. She will try to help Jockey if she's in trouble though. They are a team, after all.
She does not approve of how Jockey often hurts her teammates by pretending everyone is alive, and often has to be stopped from shouting at her to knock it off. It makes her furious to see her hurting Hunter or Charger, particularly because they don't do anything to defend themselves in her eyes, leaving the task of telling Jockey to shut up to her, and then they yell at her when she does it! The entire situation leaves her very frustrated, and doesn't improve her feelings towards Jockey at all. When she isn't talking about how everyone's secretly alive, at times Smoker may admit, maybe, that she feels a little sorry for her since she's so off her rocker. But not out loud, that's for sure.

Finding Charger was something of a relief, since she seemed to know what she was doing, could teach them about guns, and Hunter and Smoker aren't very leaderly. While Smoker will defer to Charger's judgment most of the time, there are things she'll stick to (notably, when and where she can smoke) and bicker with her about, but when it comes down to it, she'll do what Charger says. She trusts Charger to know what she's doing and to make the right decision, and most of her complaining is just because she likes doing it.
Charger tends to treat her more respectfully than the others, asking her opinion on things, and that led to Smoker respecting her a great deal in return. She grows very fond of her and somewhat protective even, as in her eyes, Charger doesn't defend herself from emotional attacks for whatever reason, and it's up to her to do it for her instead. She's one of the very few people that Smoker respects, maybe even admires. She doesn't want to lose her as a result.

UH THAT'S ALL I CAN THINK OF FOR NOW I GUESS may edit this later depending

hunter, smoker

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