Terrifying evil manipulative serial killer with dozens of victims VS 1 cowardly mouse GO!

Jan 31, 2023 01:43

LADY POSTS WOOO ok so last year for the Ladyverserie (best name) I colored the Psychopro comic. This year I debated again with a few ideas but ultimately decided to color another one of Zarla's comics! ALSO about Psychopro, everyone's favorite character!

If you want to read this comic without my commentary you can see it on Deviantart or Tumblr with prev/next buttons in the descriptions.

I chose this one because uhhhhh I like it. I think it's fun. It's very long and ended on a cliffhanger and in 2018 in my sketchbook I drew my own ending and eventually I plan to get to that... MAYBE not this January though. Because this comic is like, ONE OF THE LONGEST LADY COMICS and isn't even FINISHED so I just plan to color one page at a time and whatever I have by the 31st is what I post. No rush.

- 1 -

Same coloring style as last time! Mostly. It's the same absence shading as before with the white edges, sketchy linework, and whatever the HELL is going on with those backgrounds boarders (made way easier to do because Sketchbook Pro 8 evolved into Sketchbook Pro 9 and added CLIPPING MASKS!!! I thought my art program was abandonware but the original developers bought it back yadayada I'm happy).

It's colors are far more muted and... almost pastel compared to the last one? But that's just because of setting. I think it blends a little too much into itself if I'm being honest, but I always draw in neon colors so don't ask me for advice.

Text boxes are different! In the last one they all had black letters in Zarfont and the bubbles were a lighter version of "their" color, but as you can see with Angie's they still have the lighter bubble color but then also the text colors themselves ARE the color I doodle them with.

Smoker's text boxes are different because I wanted to make it clearer that the voice was coming from the phone and she wasn't speaking. I would sometimes get disoriented reading the cured Smoker sketches where sometimes she speaks normal, then it switches to babble and it's like "oh yeah I forgot she was talking from the box". The font for that one is Determination Sans, the Undertale font, lol. I JUST NEEDED A PIXEL ONE AND IT'S ONE I HAD ON HAND!

Smoker reading a book about GAY DRAGONS because in the sketch she was reading a book and I thought "I gotta make this funny" so I pulled up the H&S ghost and used the first book they mentioned. The wings make a heart shape!

All the Psychopro memories are from last year's comic! This is to Save Time (the only think I sacrificed for this was a smile he had in the original sketch because my comic did not have a good enough smile, here's other people's teeth instead) and also because I like to think of this as one continuous timeline lol. In the original post Zarla says

Smoker doesn't remember very much except a feeling of danger from Pro, I guess they ran into each other before she got infected? idk it's vague. WHATEVER IT DOESN'T TAKE MUCH TO FIGURE OUT THAT GUY IS BAD NEWS and there aren't a lot of male Spitters around, so it's not too hard to figure out which one she's talking about.

In my head it's...
-Preinfection comics
-Survivor comics
-Infected comics
-Cured comics

Something went poorly I guess. I think it might've been ILTM that made me think timelines where they eventually get infected as survivors happen? I also think that curedtown being a continuation of the survivor timeline makes sense because then they have more faint memories of knowing each other and liking each other (rather than just being grouped together because "girl zombies") and because it's more likely they'd survive to being cured. If it went straight from Preinfection to Infected, they'd need to survive the entire apocalypse as zombies, while if they were survivors before that buys them time.

There's not really a specific timeline for Ladyverse, and I think that works in its favor, but this is the Main Timeline continuity in my brain because it includes as many comics as possible. SO Cured Smoker remembers Psychopro from back when they were survivors, yippeeeeee.

I was originally going to have the comic background be just this gray wall from this comic, but then in the first two panels I wanted Smoker sitting then to get up, but having just a chair (that turned into the FAMOUS RED COUCH) seemed really barren and made the comic feel empty so I added a small window with a curtain over it (I don't imagine Smoker would want randos looking into the house) and a bookshelf. Nothing interesting on the books, but they're pretty colors!

Remembering all the details on these characters was hard.... I was surprisingly efficient with my layers (only 9 somehow), Angie's glasses got two of their own, one for the frames and the other for the glass (which also got to be used for cigarette smoke and BLUSHIES). I did not draw Angie's glasses sticks. This is because sometimes they get in the way of the face and I'm sure that viewers can figure out they're there on their on. They are implied!

Then I had to remember
-Angie's two face scars
-Angie's two arm scars
-Angie's freckles
-Smoker's purple edge of bandage (face and neck)
-Dots on her hands
-plaid lines
-mouth colors
-White highlights on everything

then you have the last panel

Also falling cigarette that may or may not fall on Mousey's arm and burn her. idk how cigarettes work I never talk to smokers because migraines.

I kept the dialogue to the original sketch XD I COULD'VE MADE THE "sob sob" more, like, emotive, but something about Angie saying "sob sob" was funny to me and I saw no harm in keeping it.

As for Smoker's text, here's what Zarla said eight years ago:

idk what the second text is either but I'll keep it as a towering reminder that the universe is full of mysteries we will never understand.

I also like how I drew Smoker's bandage during the comic. I don't know why I did it that way, there are better ways to do this, but whatever man. BYE A BUNCH OF HAIR.

After I'd drawn several more comics I took a look back at Smoker's cured ref sheet and read that she does NOT have a left ear, so I had to go through several of these pages to remove like 4 ears. IT WAS EASY ENOUGH BECAUSE HAIR but pfff oops. To be fair some of the sketches at least looked like they had ears, so Zar may have made the mistake to idk

- 2 -

One thing about these comics is they're fairly static. Characters talking to each other from the same angle on the same background back and forth. This one is longer so there's more of it, but Jockey's there hopping around a lot so it makes it more dynamic? But it's definitely not nearly the levels the Psychopro comic was, where the camera was constantly shifting to different people and the setting would change and whatever. The benefits are I don't have to draw as many backgrounds!

also UHHHGHGGG this page is so much LONGER than the last one! Instead of having to draw 14 characters, I had to draw 32! When I started I thought I'd just do one page at a time and post whatever I have done by the 31st, but this was a little bit much for just one step. I'll make sure the next pages are shorter.


-Mousey's eyes are blue now, while they were green in the last one. This is because her eye color was never decided, and in some comics it's green and others blue. I personally prefer the green, but going back and forth every page is funny.

armpit hair lol

-Jockey's shirt is a blue space pony shirt instead of her normal one, because I didn't want to draw the backpack as it would take extra time, and her yellow shirt would look weird on its own. Still keeps the pink jacket though. (Why would she, a person with back problems, be wearing a large backpack indoors anyways? She can have it back when she goes outside!)

-I added Charger's face scar last. The WIP screenshots look really weird because Charger does not look right without the face scar.

-She also has her ring necklace from here! Just because. Idk what part of the timeline this is, but she can have it. Why not.

I drew this page at a higher resolution than the last one. The last one I drew at the original image's size, but after I was done I struggled to read it without zooming in with my art program so I artificially just made it bigger after I finished. This one I just made bigger from the start. Gives me more room for text before it starts to look fuzzy!

The background has less stuff than last time but that's because I thought that giving it too much stuff would make it distracting, because the panels are more compact and there's more dialogue. So I just made walls and a door, then peeling paint (which was impossible to find a tutorial on how to draw, because it kept giving me either tips on what to do about real peeling house paint or how to get that look in traditional art) and a picture frame of ME, QUO.

The thing I fiddled with most in the background wasn't what to put there, it was the colors. Originally it was yellow, then light blue, then all white, and the door was white and yellow, and the picture frame was white but the door was dark brown, at one point I made them light browns... gah. This looks fine though.

- 3 -

Around here I got bored of drawing the same monotonous repetitive dull colored comic and took a break to draw something complicated and colored that is for a totally unrelated thing and will bleed your eyes to look at, but it's cool looking. THEN I felt refreshed enough to go back to this thing.

Angie has green eyes again! nice. Also, the first uncensored swear word! Maybe not as nice.

This comic is WEIRDLY CUT. In the original, you had this whole thing of Hunter basically saving Angie from the situation, then it cuts to an ALTERNATE TIMELINE where Hunter was not there ? or something ? but coloring all of that would uhhh make no sense for a viewer only seeing this version. I'm doing the long version, which means skipping over the alternate ending with Hunter.

So I took the first three panels, changed their setting, drew my own fourth panel so that the positions in the fifth one (starting from the next comic) made sense (mwahaha im good enough at imitating the artstyle now I'm sure you didn't even notice). SURE. IT WORKS.

Because of this I did change some of the dialogue. In the original, Ryan was trying to get Angie to go to his house? And I guess when Hunter isn't there he succeeded because the alternate timeline has her in the house. So now I just switched it to him trying to walk her home which doooeesn't make as much sense, but, like, I don't think it matters very much. YOU STILL GET CREEPY GUY VIBES EITHER WAY.

I didn't have to keep the "It's not because you're a Spitter" text because it was in a panel I removed but I thought it was funny! Squished it in there.

The sixth panel was HARD because this was the sketch I was working from:

Deciphering it was not an easy task and honestly I just used creative interpretation to do what I felt probably worked. I think if I did it again I'd change Angie's arm to be against his throat but mmmmm whatever. Still works.

Not-so-fun fact, I had to redraw all the lineart up to this point. In my first attempt of coloring this comic, I did all the lineart (and more) up to this point, then the file just POOFED and turned into dust and there were no traces of it left. No idea what could've possibly happened, but it died and I restarted. Idk maybe I gained practice from it. I barely even remember how the old ones looked like... This was the only screenshot I took:

and i DID trace it in the redraw. pshh.

The background is simpler than I thought. I knew she was inside of like, his house, because she runs out of it in the end and you can clearly see a dresser in one panel. I wanted the dresser to be messy because that made the background more colorful rather than just brown, so I just had a bunch of vaguely-cloth-objects out of the drawers, some bandages on the top, a... water bottle? Scissors and a medicine bottle. I don't know why he has that because it's not like he can swallow but sure. Also some wall scratches for variation.

The other panels just pull pieces from it or add a carpet.

Number 5 has a bed that you TOTALLY CAN'T SEE AT ALL since I darkened or put a lot of color on many of the panels to add DRAMA. When it was all normally colored without the overlays it kind of sucked and felt weird and un-intense, so I made it better.

THIS BACKGROUND is based off of the one I drew five years ago for this other curedtown thing. I still get the amount of effort I put into the comic but mmm I always felt frustrated with how cramped and hard to look at it was. Kind of made me give up on doing paneled comics after that since I felt I just didn't get it at all. OVERALL that old comic was more of an experiment and I definitely did learn from my mistakes. Bet you never knew I felt that way about it because I try to stay very positive about the things I make lol

I like this panel bc of the amount of blood I added lol. It's FUN ok. uhhh I made the knife that RYAN was attacking Angie with have blood on it because that's more intimidating. In universe idk why he wouldn't clean a murder weapon but. Like. Have you ever considered my feelings.

- 4 -

BACK TO BLUE EYES matches the tears. Swear counter is 3 now.

Sometimes I forget that Mousey has her own house. To be fair most of the cured comics she's in is her with the ladies in their house. It's not like, she's not got a lot interesting going on in survivor town so it makes sense why the focus is there.

This one I nearly got done in like, 1 day. but it was late and I went to bed and finished it in the morning. The other ones took, like, at least a couple days each.

I DON'T THINK I EVER DREW CURED HUNTER ACCURATELY. In all my old drawings her jacket was never ripped, though to be fair it's not in the ref sheet. Poor jacket! But also it DOES look good on her.

Jockey still hasn't changed because I promised she could get her bag BACK when she's OUTSIDE and she's not outside yet. Smoker took off her bandages from the first comic for an eyepatch so you can see more of the purpleish skin. Also her phone isn't in any of the panels but ignore that

SPEAKING OF THE FIRST COMIC the background is the same room. I copied parts of the wall and the shelf but I traced over the couch so it was smoother. I used the room again because they're on a couch, so it has to be the red couch, and I already placed that, so might as well reuse it instead of just doing ANOTHER new background.

- 5 -

Now she actually has something understandable to cry about lol

This one is, like, the easiest one so far. Not much character to draw and I already made the background. woo hooooo. Though doing any of these is pretty long, bleh. DID just take a day though. Feels kind of sloppy...

You know in the cured timeline no one really knooowwwssss all that much about their past lives because being infected really screwed up their memory, and Charger seems to struggle with it the most (nightmares about not remembering David, for example) and in the ANGIE PSYCHOANALYSIS comic (1, 2, 3) she says she can't remember what her old job was. YET in all the comics we still draw her in her zookeeper uniform XD I JUST THINK IT'S FUNNY.

Kind of the scientists to let them keep their clothes ??? Even if they're just rags like Hunter's. Or maybe it's just an excuse to not buy them new ones...

- 6 -

YAY an overlay filter. This one was also pretty quick. Also ANGIE GET OVER SMOKER HAVING A FRIEND OMG PLS

Outfits... Charger hasn't changed for whatever reason, Jockey has YET ANOTHER SHIRT (she gets all the shirts! Probably raided the zombie-goodwill pile or something lol), Angie's also wearing her normal shirt but with the sleeves down, Smoker just the green shirt without the flannel, and Hunter a random white shirt.

Charger's arm looks like a comfortable blanket, pff.

- 7 -

I like how Zar writes k's I'll steal it for my own handwriting.

-same overlay filter as last time because it's night.
-Hunter's got some ratty sweatpants why not lol.

I'm sure preinfected Smoker never thought she would live to see the day where she was sleeping in the same bed as Angie.

Anyways now I'm just sticking to green eyes instead of going back and forth. I like them more! The tears are already blue and she cries so much lol

- 8 -

Ok normally I spend 100% of the description on the art BUT I WILL TALK A LITTLE BIT ABOUT THE COMIC. I think. It CAN be kind of cute! Obviously it has a serial killer in it BUT Smoker and Angie's relationship is really interesting to me! Because Smoker used to JUST hate her, entirely understandable because Mousey SUCKS, but as she proves she can do good and slowly works to being a better person Smoker does things like trying to protect her!

Anyways, drawing.

-It looks long but it's still not as long as the second page
-THERE IS SIGNIFICANTLY MORE BLOOD THAN THERE NEEDS TO BE I just like drawing blood and I'm the one coloring this lol. For once, Jockey isn't involved.
-NOTHING MAKES YOU MORE UPSET at Psychopro than DRAWING HIS SMUG EXPRESSIONS YOURSELF. Like you can go ">:O He stabbed smoker!" But he just looks so NORMAL doing it like what!!! The hell!!!

PARTICULARLY this frame. TWIRLING HIS KNIFE like he knooowwwss he's going to trigger Smoker by standing this far away.

-All the color pallets this entire comic are not new, I made them years ago and have no reason to change them still! Psychopro is actually only shaded in 2 colors vs everyone else's 3 because last years comic did that and I was just reusing that color pallet. I didn't figure it was important enough to change lol

Other thing is the eyes... One more difference between last year's comic and this years is that though the color pallets are MOSTLY unchanged, I edited the eye ones. Instead of 3 dark colors close to each other, you have 2 dark colors and then 1 super bright version of their eye color. Smoker's eyes are brown but I gave them yellow highlights, Charger's are brown but get orange highlights, ect.

When Smoker gets triggered I made her eyes MORE yellow and added a very very very light glow no one will notice.

-I left drawing Juan and Sha to last because I felt it was good enough motivation XD I did the background before them! I was scared to draw Sha because I hadn't drawn him in... YEARS????? So I had no idea how he would look lol.

Zar's sketches were pretty rough so that basically meant I had to make my own sketch on top of it. Uhhh I will say that other times I did this I did try hard to make sure that it looked like the rest of the comic, but with Sha I only put minimal effort into that haha. His curly hair is hard enough to draw without trying to copy Zarla! but I did keep general rules like face shape and where the mouth and eyes go. WHATEVER HE LOOKS FINE.

One thing I didn't do which Zarla DOES DO is make Sha's scars more blurry. They probably should be but that's never how I've colored them. The hardest part of drawing Sha for me this time was making sure his hair wasn't TOO HIGH above his head. Those curls make it so hard lol.

Other note.... After I finished the comic I went back to add scars around Juan's neck because he has those even if I don't know if Zar's colored anything of it!


This is the most used one. Again, dirt with sidewalk and red bricks, but it has slightly more elements like you can see part of the alleyway, there's a pipe, and a door I guess. Just makes it more interesting.

This is the OTHER major one. This one pulls from an EVEN OLDER background I drew for Cured town. It was from when me and my BFF Error first met and we did a collab! That image kind of looks wonky but HEY THE COLORS STILL WORK. You don't see this background very closely so the sidewalks and buildings are off lol.

This one is just the first one but warped a little bit then cleaned up. Again, you don't look at it closely so I didn't work on it TOO much. Goodbye door handle

- - -

My goal for this comic was to draw AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE before the 31st, and now it's the 31st! I will finish it don't worry, BUT it'll be slower since I won't be spending all day every day on it XD I'll post another livejournal update when I finish it! I've finished 8/16 so HALFWAY THERE pretty cool for like 2 weeks.

anyways here's all of Smoker's ears I removed


fanart, cured, cured au, juan, angie, sha, charger, space pony?!(cameo), art, comic, drawing, clothes, hunter, mousey, juan rivera, cured town, sha dache, psychopro, curedverse, forgot sha's last name so whatever, smoker

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