Российский солдат заинстаграммил военную операцию на Украине. Double Facepalm.

Aug 01, 2014 16:36

Современные технологии, сводят на нет любую спецоперацию. И когда новобранцам нечего делать, они начинают делать селфи в Инстаграмме, с геотегами на территории Украины. Внезапно, да? Ведь официально России там нет ни в каком виде.

Я представляю, если бы такое было во время второй мировой войны: "Это я собираюсь соврешить диверсию". "Мы взорвали мост". "Мы пытаем пленного немца"...

Эх, Саня Соткин...

A Russian soldier has posted pictures to Instagram that show him operating military equipment inside Ukraine, including manning a missile launcher system of the type used to shoot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.

Alexander Sotkin, 24, first posted a photo from a base in southern Russia, on June 23, a day after Russia began building up its forces there. Kiev accused Moscow of attacking its positions across the border with mortar fire and unguided Grad missiles.

A week later, Sotkin, whose social media profiles say he is a communications specialist stationed near the Ukrainian border, posted a photo to Instagram from the village of Krasna Talychka in rebel-controlled territory in east Ukraine.

“sitting around at night… we’re working our faces are sweaty #army #exercises2014 #night #comms”

It’s not entirely clear what Sotkin was doing in Ukraine, or how long he was there. He took this photo in Russia on July 3, seemingly while in an armored personnel carrier.

“the local population here are organizing a concert, but some of us are on guard 😔 #fail #army #exercises2014 #comms #selfie #apc #boredom #summer #july

But in the early hours of July 5, Sotkin posted another photograph from the village of Krasnyi Derkul on the Ukrainian side of the border. Ukraine accused rebels of firing mortars at a border point there at that time.

“time to sleep! 💤💤💤🌙⛺️ #army #exercises2014 #night #sleep #selfie”

According to Sotkin’s photo map, the photos were taken about 9 miles from the base in Voloshino, Russia, where he appears to be stationed.

Ну и все в таком духе, наслаждаемся.

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