Sorry, guys, but this calls for a large font.
I'm seeing Vienna Teng LIVE on April 7th!
:D :D :D I can't wait. I love Vienna.
Oh! I've taken up a very ambitious writing challenge over at GJ, 1000_themes? I'm very new to 'fic writing, you see. I've mainly stuck to short WHR drabbles, but I'm already plotting some longer-chaptered stuff. Going to do it this summer, yessiree.
I'd die if I actually finished all 1000 prompts, but it really gets my brain working. To be honest, this is the first kind of 'fic challenge that I've ever done before, besides for short drabbles. *dies*
I think I may convert this to my writing journal, in fact. I really want
cadential for my personal journal. Hmm.