Oct 13, 2008 18:28
My day thus far:
9am: fail a quiz
10am: turn in homework that I realize, at the last minute, is only about 95% finished
11am: math
12:00 lunch, where K remarks: "Oh, you remembered to eat today!"
2:00-4:00 skip Econ to study for a midterm tomorrow
2:00-4:00 procrastinate studying to play stupid games, mildly Brit-pick FBaWtFT, and read a cute Hermione/Dudley. shut up
4:00-4:30: this half hour vanished somehow
4:30-6:00: actually studied
6:00 dinner
Honestly, I don't know why K decided to say that. I've eaten almost every meal except for breakfast since school started. I've missed one dinner, and then I had some cereal so it doesn't count.
Also, apparently I eat abnormally small amounts of food. Or everyone else takes freakishly huge amounts. Everyone else takes 3-4 plates, piles food on them, and eats it all. I take one plate, put a reasonable amount on it, eat most of it, and am done. Sometimes I have a scoop or two of ice cream, or a cup of soup.
I always thought I was eating kind of a lot.